Thursday, July 16, 2015

I feel both tired and hungry today, sort of like I’m PMSing, even though it’s a bit early for that. I’m usually not hungry for the first two hours of my day, but I woke up hungry, ate about 350 calories worth of food, and was still hungry. No sense in eating anymore then, if I’m still going to feel hungry. I hate that! At least my weight has stabilized and is no longer an issue as long as I’m careful, even if it means keeping a little extra on this aging body of mine. 

I have been having to push my schedule in order to make the stupid appointment I have at the end of the month, so the long hours are getting to me. I have been pushing myself to stay up 18 hours so I can jump it ahead two hours a day since I rarely sleep more than 8 hours these days. It’s hard on me to do it day after day, week after week. I’m not 25 anymore, ya know. I have a second cup of coffee when I’ve been up for about 10 to 12 hours, and of course that’s not good for me either. 

I’ve been up 3 hours and wondering who/what is going to piss me off around here today. I’m definitely not going to take my shower until the early evening, knowing that there’s a 50/50 chance the water will be turned off. 

We had a split-second power failure yesterday for some reason. 

Until I read what I read, I would have said that Obama was the best president ever. Not because he’s black which would be good enough for most people these days, but because of the healthcare reform, getting the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell bullshit out of the picture, and things like that. But when I read that he’s made a so-called deal with Iran on nuclear weapons, my first thought was, can our president really be that naïve? That stupid? That trusting? That gullible? 

Who the hell has ever been able to trust those savage beasts that live, breathe, eat and piss violence all the while claiming to be a “peaceful” species? Their answer to everything that pisses them off is to kill, kill and kill some more. Is that who he really wants to be making “deals” with? These are the kinds of people that if the Iranian government were to stumble upon this blog, would do everything they could to kidnap me, bring me to their country, and then kill me. But I’m not about to let them or other bullies intimidate me from speaking my mind. Everything we do has its potential risks. But making the kind of deal the president made was totally insane. Now the US is in even more danger. These are the kinds of people who will kill themselves and their families just to kill those they hate. Imagine the mindset it would take to kill your parents, your siblings, and your best friends just to kill those you despised! I wonder if they’re even capable of experiencing feelings of love in the first place. 

We will be getting a new recycle bin on the 24th. I saw a guy delivering one to the house across the street yesterday and jumped out to ask how we could get a new one. The front of the lid on ours has been cracked ever since we moved in. They taped it, but it’s not very secure. On the rare occasion it happens to be raining when the thing is out on the street waiting to be picked up, it would be nice to have a solid lid with no cracks in it so that the stuff inside doesn’t get wet. 

Last night I dreamed I was delivering a message in Spanish from a woman named Carla to a man named Carlos. It was the most Spanish I ever spoke in a dream, but I don’t remember anything I said. 

Then I was in a fairly good-sized building where people were either living or staying temporarily in these small rooms, but it didn’t look like a hotel of any kind. I was in a room with some woman and she just plugged in Amazon Echo’s Alexa and loved the sound she made upon startup. Then she wanted to watch an old movie I had no interest in seeing. Instead, I wanted to go out and mingle with other people. 

So I left the room where some tiny black kitten leaped onto my shoulder and began to rub its head against me affectionately. I thought it was oh-so cute, and then I remembered that I’m allergic to cats. 

Now I’m going to go try to muster up enough energy to work out, do some cleaning, and work on my book. 

I’m ordering another one of those bronze nude erotic female figures as well, and what a doll I found afterward! They have these mini 1/6 “real” dolls by Phicen, a Japanese company. Or maybe it’s China.  Either way, they’re only about a foot long, but they have a steel skeleton, are anatomically correct (I think), and are extremely poseable. They come with detachable hands, feet, and heads, so you can change them if you want. I’ve got my eye on an Asian one that looks incredibly realistic. A little small for $100, but definitely something I’m interested in.

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