Thursday, July 30, 2015

After a few days on a diet rich in meats and veggies, I have increased energy, less hunger, and one lost pound. Looks like I’m going to be late for my period again which is due tomorrow. I just don’t feel PMSey enough right now. Oh, the joys of aging. :) 

It turns out I didn’t have to work as hard as I’ve been working on my book. I didn’t realize that for Camp NaNoWriMo you could adjust your word goal to as low as 10,000 words as long as you do it before validation begins on the 19th. Oh well. I only have a few thousand more words to go anyway. I should finish it today or tomorrow. 

Went out riding, and the stench of skunks was too close for comfort. Tom’s going to trim the base of the Cypress trees so they can’t nest in there. 

Tammy left a message letting me know the house closes on Monday and that Lisa might be moving down to Florida as well, so now she’ll have all the kids there, and so then all she needs is me. 

But I thought she wasn’t on speaking terms with Lisa? 

I still have mixed emotions about moving to Florida, bipolar Lisa in the picture or not. I would love to be in a place that was summary year-round, but I don’t know how it would affect my allergies, it is awfully humid, thunderstorms would interfere with my sleep a lot, and I don’t know that having so much family so close would be such a wise thing. Sure I miss having family around, but I also know that mixing family can be like mixing friends or coworkers. In other words, it can really backfire on you. 


I have attempted to locate my cousins Lori and Lisa online a few times to give them a well-deserved piece of mind, particularly about the way they abandoned me when I needed somebody – anybody – when I was being terrorized by that window knocker. I don’t know why, but for some reason, today’s the day I searched for them and their names came right up. Perhaps it’s because I recently contacted Mary? Maybe they were even looking for me and that’s why they came up easily in the search results. Whatever the reason is, I sent them both messages. 

I also saw that they’re friends with my niece Jennifer. Why oh why doesn’t that surprise me? It seems that every family member and every past friend of mine is still somehow connected to someone I’m currently in touch with. Bet Jenny C was tight with Larry until his death. She’s probably friends with Jen now, too. I really thought there was no connection between Lori and Lisa. But at least two of my nieces are friends with Jennifer and then of course Jennifer is friends with Lori and Lisa. Larry was tight with Ronnie. Hey, a bully loves another bully, right? So it makes sense that they would have met and gotten to know each other. 

I wonder if Tammy knew they were connected? I told her about it and let her know that I sent the messages, because somehow, someway, if they get those messages, Tammy will hear about it. I will probably be blocked by them as well. I’m a little surprised Mary didn’t block me, but I’m not surprised she didn’t reply to my message. Or maybe she did and I just didn’t get it. As it is, I have my doubts that these two will get my messages. If they do, I just might be a little more convinced that my messages to my old doctor really did go through after all. I mean I can see her not getting the messages, but not getting the friend request and not noticing that I shared one of her pics as well??? 

Anyway, I gave my wonderful cousins (yes, the word wonderful was said with sarcasm) Lori and Lisa a piece of my mind.

Was just reading a few comments on an article about intense heat in Iran, and even those animalistic monsters get defended these days when anyone dares step out of political correctness to bash them. What’s next? Defending negative comments against child molesters? Is there nothing any group can do without people being called racist when they speak up about their shit? 

The lovely Jenny Seagrove thanked me for my message wishing her a happy belated birthday. Her birthday was earlier in the month but I got caught up with other stuff, LOL. 

This is my first day in a month with no word count deadlines to meet and I am enjoying it. It may be a few days before I start editing my book, but Rainstorm is complete! 

I’m still feeling increased energy and decreased hunger on my diet, but damn am I gassy! I guess I’m way overloaded on protein. I’m trying to think of what to do about it without going off track. Maybe I need to add a slice of whole wheat bread to my diet. Just had a few bites of oatmeal to see if that helps. Also read that women are more prone to gas. Figures. 

Amazingly, we got two quiet days in a row here, but I know it’s not going to be quiet all day today because Fridays are one of the prime landscaping days. 

Meanwhile, Andy is very worried about his mother because she fell and hurt her back and shoulder. She’s in the hospital now but from what I have heard she is a rather robust woman who doesn’t give up easily, so my guess is she’ll be in pain for a while but she will pull through. 

I had a dream last night involving my brother. For some reason, I was so pissed at him that I was looking for him to kick his ass. Next thing I know, somebody tells me they found him and I ran into the room and proceeded to go after him. But then I stopped dead in my tracks as I realize he was lying down on the couch looking absolutely terrible. His breathing was labored and his eyes were bloodshot. What’s wrong with him? I asked somebody, and they told me it was a drug overdose. I suggested calling the police, but then I just said to let the bastards sleep it off, kicked him in the gut, and walked off.

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