Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Although it’s been a rough day having the runs, an achy mouth, an achy lower back, and plenty of distractions around here, I’ve kicked off the first day of NaNo with 1770 words. Love how I could ask Alexa who the president was in 1999 for my story. I figured it was Bill Clinton but I wanted to be sure.

I heard landscaping on and off today for 8 hours. 8 fucking hours! I won’t even get into the loud traffic. That obnoxious car had disappeared again, but now it’s back coming and going several times a day.

Carolyn was saying that she didn’t mind noise as long as it’s temporary. Loud landscaping equipment running every single day is not temporary, though. It’s daily. Daily is regularly. She and Jon are also the regular little project junkies I suspected they would be from the get-go and sometimes they’re annoying. They may have limited funds, but I wonder just how often they’re going to be working on their place. You would think with such tiny lots that they would only have so much space before they ran out of shit to do with it, but people seem to find things no matter what.

Toothaches, rashes… are we sure nothing up there isn’t trying to keep the appointments going? And what happens if I don’t give in? Well, I don’t know if it’s random or if something is designing things to play out the way they do, but while a part of me wants to run to the doctor about it, what’s the point? There would only be something else. And then something else. Perhaps if I stop giving into the problems, the problems will either go away or I’ll become tougher. For now, my pit rash is worse once again, and my fucking mouth STILL hurts. If it’s not infected, what is wrong with it??? Did she damage a nerve?

I still say that sometimes the best way to deal with a problem is not to deal with it at all. Don’t like sex with your husband? Then stop having sex with him. But if something up there really does want me to be an appointment junkie, then it’s going to make sure it gets to be more than I can deal with so it can force me to get it fixed. Or try to. Like with my rash. I tried to get that cured but all I can do is treat it. If I shave my pits it gets worse. I guess I gotta walk around with furry pits all my life. That might be the only way to not cure it but to make it a little more tolerable. I haven’t shaved my legs due to the colder weather and it seems body hair thins with age as well as head hair.

Here’s an update for you on the two peas in a pod. Creating new Twitter accounts monthly to say hello to them would be a pain but I did decide to drop in on them on NaNo where there is no block feature. Just when I was thrilled to discover and block a couple of new accounts they made on PB, Aly created yet another one (should’ve figured one account wouldn’t be enough for them) and blocked me before I could discover it. They’ve got their accounts FO. Maybe Aly created the second account just so she could have fun blocking me and feel like she had some control over the matter as well. But why didn’t they block me from the other two accounts as soon as they created them? It’s hard to believe they just created them the moment I discovered and blocked them.

So does this mean they’ve been watching my accounts closer than I realized? Pretty sure I never sent them the link to my current PB account. I wouldn’t have any reason to do so. But I did stupidly share it on various sites. No point in changing info on that account now because they’ll only bookmark it so they can block it from future accounts as well. I momentarily considered dumping the account since I’m getting more private myself these days, but decided not to let them control me. Doing that would be letting them do just that.

Just now got a reply from Aly (I know I won’t get anything from Kim) saying: This is your one and only warning to leave me alone. I want nothing to do with you at all anywhere. Any other messages you send me will be forwarded to staff on this site so that they can deal with you how they wish. Time to move on. I have and so should you.

If she “wanted nothing to do with me at all anywhere” then why did she take the time to become aware of where my PB account is and then block it as well? She had to have gotten the link to it from another profile of mine on another site, or she actively sought it out.

Knowing she’d tweet about it, she goes and tweets: Tired of feeling like I need to hide. If a grown adult chooses to spend her time cyberstalking me then that’s on her.

Oh, but I think she’s been watching me just as closely. Or at least closer than I realized. How else would she know where my PB account was to block it? And I told her this on Twitter too, even though I know she and Kim will block that Twitter account. I may dump that one and create a new one, but I’m not changing PB accounts again. Instead, I changed my bio. It now says: Hello ALY and KIM. Have you come to play victim and block me? Or are you curious to see if I’ve written about you lately? Oh well, my little cyberstalkers. It’s on YOU. I’m not running. I’m not hiding. ;)


I thought about bumping my scheduled Blogger posts up from 2060 to 2050, but I think I’ll wait for now. I should have plenty of time to decide that.

Here we go again with Pinterest deleting some of my pins. I knew I shouldn’t have started using them again.

Whenever I have dreams involving Kim (the one in Connecticut), they’re usually either weird or creepy dreams. But last night’s dream was kind of fun and interesting. For a minute I awoke with a tinge of sadness, almost wishing it could be true. The dream was very long and detailed.

I don’t know where the hell we were or how I managed to run into her, but I did. I knew it was her even though she appeared to have lost a lot of weight. Everything else was the same, though she wasn’t wearing any glasses. She had the same short brown wavy hair and hazel eyes. She was considerably taller than me, like maybe a foot. If she was over 200 pounds it was more because she was so tall than she was wide, though she was still a bit heavy and big-boned.

We were standing outside somewhere by some building (an apartment complex that one of us lived in?). I expected her to freak out and run as soon as recognition hit, but she didn’t. She just seemed very unhappy to see me and very reluctant to talk to me.

I assured her I didn’t want to fight.

She looked hesitant for a minute and then she said, “Okay, but if you want to talk you’re going to have to do it at the grocery store with me and then at the pizza joint, now get in.”

She motioned to an old car and I got in the passenger side. Kim doesn’t drive any more than I do, but she sure drove just fine in the dream. I wasn’t scared to be alone with her even though I knew she could break me in half if she wanted to.

Two seconds later we had gone to the grocery store and then were seated in a booth at a small pizza shop. We had an actual enjoyable and intelligent conversation as we ate our pizza and then Kim drove me wherever it was she drove me.

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