Wednesday, November 15, 2017

My weight is really beginning to reach some scary levels. I was 157.8 at one point during my day yesterday, and just now, after eating a fish meal, I’m 159.2 with shoes and clothes. Ugh!

I created a makeshift skier desk by wrapping rolls of sticky foam-like tape around the still handles of my skier in which to rest my keyboard. Then I stacked two stools to my side for my mouse.

I’ve definitely been sitting too much and I need to move more. On Amazon, I saw a laptop tray attachment that should be able to attach to the treadmill. So that’s an option, too. As long as I’m sitting less and moving more. The only problem with the treadmill is that it’s loud. On the other hand, it would make a good sound machine to help drown out the daytime noise. I want to start being active at least one hour a day. I’m also cutting calories as well. Sprinting is the best way to kill a lot of calories in a shorter period of time. The only problem with that is you can’t keep going for long periods of time.

Chances are nothing I do will get the weight off and I’m probably going to keep gaining all my life. But I’ve got to make one last-ditch effort to try to reverse this shit because the extra weight is really starting to make life hard for me. It’s harder to run, it’s hard to bend over far, it’s harder to do anything.

Gave up on Happy Valley. I just couldn’t get into it. I would only watch when I eat, anyway, but I can find something else to do while I eat like maybe proofreading.

Still exchanging messages with Kim and not hearing from Aly. My first instinct is to say I’ll never hear from her, but I sure never thought I would hear from Kim, so who knows?

Aly said something about fighting an infection and also that she may be admitted to the hospital. I still can’t gauge how serious her health is and I’m not getting much from Kim about it either.

I messaged a guy named Ray P who’s friends with Jon & Carolyn and lives a few houses down and asked if he knew whatever became of Hazel. Not so much because I was curious to know, but for some reason, of all the people I’ve met here, he seems the least friendly. If he’s got any kind of problem with me that I don’t know of, then that’s just it… his problem. But I was curious to see if he would blow me off or reply. He replied with a thumbs up and a link-invite to download Messenger to my cell. I do miss having that app on my android but when I went to download it I got a message saying there were files that could harm my device so I’ll have to have Tom check it out.

Did the first of the two shit tests. They want you to do it twice because blood isn’t always present in every single dump you take if you’ve got cancer or whatever else blood can be a symptom of. But that’s what they’re looking for…. blood in the shit. It’s simple enough. You just brush the shit with a little brush and dab it onto a test strip.

Stopping shaving and switching deodorants haven’t done my rash any good, as expected. I definitely want to see a dermatologist, though they’re probably going to tell me the same thing; it’s Hashimoto’s. Autoimmune diseases bring rashes. Gotta just live with it.

I’m using speech-to-text to do this entry while I ski. I can barely see the monitor from where I am but I can see enough to tell that I’m going to have a lot of editing to do.

Although I feel rested enough and I didn’t have any nightmares, the fucking traffic woke me up twice. Twice! And this is with a second sound machine and an earplug. I’m so sick of this fucking bullshit year after year. I could tell it was a large vehicle, its engine grinding as it was either turning around or backing up.

We talked about going ahead and replacing a few of the windows in here after all, but this will probably be just talk. We only have so much money to do so many things with. We do want to experiment with drywall in a section of the hallway, however, because as Tom said, the only way to know what it’s like to do it is to actually do it. We’re considering this our practice house so we can hopefully get things right when we move. As I told him, I want to assume the next place is going to be it. Therefore I want to be able to get in and make the place what we want it to be from the start rather than do things a little at a time. By then we’re not going to have 30 or more years in which to do things.

Getting watery again and wondering if a period is on the horizon. Especially since my boobs are sore.

So it’s taken me 12.5 minutes to do this entry thus far according to the skier’s timer. Every little bit of activity helps. I’m not going to be doing it all on the skier, though. I’m still going to go outdoors, use the Bowflex, and do Alexa’s 7-minute workout program.

Editing would be virtually impossible with my current setup, so I guess I’ll go sit at the desk now and do that. I just like having a setup that enables me to switch back and forth from sitting to standing easily enough. My chair and the skier are not as easy to move on the carpet as one might think.

Okay, I’m now up to 14 minutes!

OMG, gross! A part of my dinner came up in my throat and then it went down the wrong pipe. I had to cough up the puke. Disgusting!

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