Friday, November 10, 2017

I’m feeling pretty yucky today. Although I slept almost 8 hours, I feel very tired. I also feel a little lightheaded. I guess that’s how you could describe it, anyway. Despite how I’ve felt, it was all go, go, go from the minute I woke up. I had so much to do. But even though I felt rundown, I managed to change the sheets, do the laundry, do the dishes, and do the rats.

The new trash bin came today as did my lovely rainbow crystal with shiny beads above it and a round clear crystal below it. Hard to believe it was only 8 bucks, but China sells things cheap. I just wish they would learn English so that their product descriptions wouldn’t read like a five-year-old wrote them.

Being busy with NaNo has caused me to get behind in my journal and other things. I almost wish I didn’t bother, haha. I hate the pressure of deadlines. But I’m almost up to 17K words now.

They turned the water off earlier in the week, so I saw when I got up by the way the pipes were spitting air at me. Really hope that someday we can live where we can shower during the daytime without fear of the water being turned off. This is just fucking bullshit year after year.

Seems like Norma is doing a little better because she’s back on the political rants, LOL. She wants guns to be banned. Mr. Twenties feels just the opposite. He has a great sense of humor but he sure does overdue his conservative political posts at times, not that he doesn’t have a right to do so. We tease each other about it because we know we’re exact opposites. I kind of see both sides where the gun issue is concerned. People like the guy who shot up Vegas could still kill people with his fists, knives, bombs or archery. It’s just that he wouldn’t be as likely to kill as many people at once if he didn’t have access to a machine gun. On the flipside, how many women may have been raped, murdered or both had they not had access to guns? I say keep the guns.

So while I agree with the Twenties on some things like the way illegals get better treatment than vets, Muslims, etc., I don’t agree with a lot of what they believe. They seemed to care more about guns remaining legal than sorry for the victims of the Vegas massacre. That right there is a little disturbing. They apparently believe that a cluster of cells with zero awareness should have more rights than a woman should have, and I don’t even have to ask how much they may hate gays, and probably blacks and Jews as well. I understand their frustration with the black community and their hatred towards Muslims. It’s the sexism and the picking on the harmless groups of people that get to me at times, though I’ve never actually seen them post anything anti-gay/Jewish.

I’m still remaining anxiety and period-free. Last night and the night before I thought I was heading up to the border for a little while there, but I’m still feeling calm. I also thought I was going to get a period because I started to feel a little crampy. Every now and then I still have a small clear discharge. This is said to be a symptom of uterine or cervical cancer, but I just had a pap smear and I don’t have any other symptoms of uterine cancer. As the GYN said, I have more of a risk of breast cancer but I wouldn’t expect that anytime soon any more than I expect my arteries to clog up anytime soon.

Really hope I sleep better and longer next time around. I should. That’s how it usually works for me anyway.

We’ve noticed that my schedule is slowing down a bit. I contemplated seeing if I could hold it for longer, but we both have our doubts because it still does roll. It’s just rolling slower.

Had a weird dream that I was alone with Nervous in an empty theatre of some kind. He was coming on to me and it was making me both uncomfortable and angry. We were sleeping on the upper balcony of the place for some reason, and he kept nudging his body closer and closer to mine. I got to my feet and told him he was smothering me and that he needed to back off.

Then I woke up with a horrible thought… What if I’m raped in the afterlife by every single guy I ever rejected in this life?

But then what about every woman that rejected me?

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