Wednesday, December 26, 2018

LOVE how I can tell Alexa to drop the heat if I don’t remember till after getting on the treadmill.

If I had the memory I used to have, then I would have remembered that Campbell’s couldn’t see my tweet because my Twitter account was private. Thank God for younger friends with better memories to remind me of this! I could take the PQQ that Tom takes which helps his memory but with my medication/supplement phobia, I think I’ll pass since it’s something that’s annoying as opposed to debilitating.

Anyway, I went public and tweeted to them and they replied apologizing and saying they were going to check into it. They asked for my mailing address and the UPC number on the can in a DM because they want to make it right.

After I replied I went private again and the next time I have anything to say to someone like them or want to give a piece of my mind to some fucked-up celebrity or politician, maybe then I’ll finally remember that I have to go public first. Twitter has a pretty screwy system but that’s just the way it is. If I want to tell LeBron James that it’s pretty fucked up that all he has to do is give a phony apology for his anti-Jewish comments while Roseanne Barr loses so much due to the comments she made in regards to blacks because whites are oh so privileged, then I have to go public.

I’ve met some black people who were absolutely wonderful. Just wonderful. But I really have some pretty strong feelings toward them as a whole. Okay, enough black talk. It’ll only piss me off.

Nothing from Kim since Christmas morning but I would have to not hear from her for four or five days before I started to think something might be up. I know and understand that life gets in the way of social media at times, and sometimes people just aren’t in the mood for it. It would take two whole days of not hearing from Aly before I started worrying about her since we do keep in touch more often.

Google Docs was putting all these Auto Recovery files all over my document page so since I have tons of backups online anyway, I decided to unsync my Mac from Google Drive.

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