Sunday, December 30, 2018

Began watching You which Aly recommended a while back. I haven’t seen enough of it to really judge it but it totally figures that they had to reference hate groups like BLM and make other small but obvious references to race.

Not much to update on other than that we ran out to Sam’s yesterday and probably won’t be going anywhere today.

It was so fucking cold yesterday morning! Just so fucking cold! It was 37° but it felt like 20°.

The planes were surprisingly quiet when I got up at 9pm but by 11:30, they were back at it.

Had some weird dreams last night. In one dream, Bob and Virginia’s place was set back further and in a different direction rather than in line with our house. They had a second building in front of their place which I’d never been in but wondered what was inside. Then one time I was walking between the places when they had the blinds open to one of the windows and I could see a beautiful and elegantly decorated room. I thought how it didn’t surprise me that they’d set up such a nice room in this building.

Then a second later I was actually inside the room watching TV with Bob, Virginia and Jim. Bob lifted a heavy footstool and placed it in front of his chair and Jim chuckled and chastised him for lifting objects heavier than he should be lifting at his age.

In the second dream, we were living who knows where. It almost looked like the Phoenix house but the back door was in the wrong place. It was off the second bedroom. We left this door open, expecting to be back from wherever we went a lot sooner than we were. I went back to the house myself to get something and check on things while I was at it, worried someone may have gotten in during our absence.

When I got inside the house it was just getting light out and when I went to flick the light switches on I noticed the power was out in some of the rooms. When I checked the master bedroom I could just make out the sleeping form of someone in the bed.

“Who are you?!” I suddenly shouted, startling the person from their sleep. I jumped on the bed and said, “Get over here! Get out now!”

As I pulled them out into the hallway I could see a young skinny guy with dark eyes and dark curly hair. He started off at my height but then seemed to grow a little taller. I demanded to know who he was and ordered him to get out or else I would call the cops.

He insisted he at least use the bathroom and take a quick shower first. I told him to hurry up and that I was throwing him out afterward.

While he was in the bathroom, first I checked to make sure nothing was stolen and then I gathered some old food we didn’t want, including a half-eaten loaf of bread that was on the verge of expiring. I threw the stuff in a bag and handed it to him on his way out.

“You’re lucky I’m not calling the cops,” I told him. “Instead, I’ve written a name and number on this piece of paper.”

I handed it to him along with the bag and said, “Let’s continue talking outside.”

Relieved that I didn’t have to physically fight to force him outside of the house, I told him to call the number on the paper and ask for the name next to it.

He kept his eyes on me and I told him, “Look at the paper.”

He slowly turned toward the paper and took it as if it was a real chore and a burden for him to do so, not bothering to hide his lack of interest and lack of gratitude for my help.

“The second name is mine. Tell the woman I referred you and she’ll help you get on your feet. For now, get out of here and don’t come back. You’re welcome, too.”

The dream ended with me watching the guy quietly shuffle around the corner and wondering if I would regret either not calling the cops or beating the shit out of him.

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