Thursday, December 7, 2023

Been quite busy that I don’t know if I’ll remember everything that’s gone on but I’ll do my best.

Learning yesterday that my TSH is nearly normal shows, even more, how fucked up the endo I saw in September was. Even Tom agreed that she wanted to do crazy things. I’ll be going back to the lab in 2 months. Hopefully, I don’t have to worry about accumulation or my TSH popping back up to 22. I’ll have changed insurance companies by then. I hate change so the new one better be better!

Galileo got part of my urine test back and there are still WBCs and something else present they mentioned that is a telltale sign of a UTI. I don’t doubt for a minute that I have one because the burning is really bad today and I have intermittent flank pain. So it’s either a UTI or a kidney infection. So I got a nitrofurantoin prescription and a levothyroxine refill earlier today. They’re still waiting for the results of the cultures.

This infection could contribute to my fatigue too, even though I had fairly decent energy today for the first time in days. A couple of days ago I got really light-headed and sweaty and my blood pressure dropped to 91/61 because I got dehydrated, so I have to make a point of keeping hydrated, especially while I’m treating the infection.

I went back to the CPAP supply company and met with the same guy who let me try a full face mask and no way! It was even worse because whenever I would breathe in and out it felt like a cupped hand gently slapping my face. Instead, he gave me a chin strap which was something I thought about before but decided to hold off on getting because I wanted to see about a full-face mask. Hopefully, that will be enough and I can get used to it once and for all so I can continue with the process of elimination as to what’s been causing the heavy fatigue. If I get used to this but I’m still dragging so much of the time, then I’ve got something else going on that can’t be good at all. Then it could come down to chronic fatigue or even possibly some kind of hidden cancer even though I certainly can’t imagine the latter being the case.

Also, even if I lost weight, there are no guarantees that I’d not need the CPAP.

The new Meow Wolf golf course came out and it’s great. Love the colorful flowers, rainbows, crystals, and general effects, but the scoreboard doesn’t appear at the end of the game. I told Walkabout on Twitter but I’m sure they’re already aware of this bug.

I was disappointed to see Ray had a visitor who pulled up onto the gravel as if he’d gone ahead after all and expanded his driveway but they were quiet and weren’t here long. I think I’ve seen this person before and they don’t come around that often. Either way, these houses are close enough so I definitely wouldn’t want anyone parking there regularly.

I love this climate but damn does the state continue to disgust me! They’re expanding the crazy Don’t Say Gay crap from schools to the workplace so now employers are free to discriminate against any employee they want. It’s horrible. I can’t believe this shit is going on along with the attack on women but at the same time I can believe it. I just don’t understand how people can complain about how horrible things are yet continue to vote Republican.

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