When I first woke up this morning I almost didn’t want to get out of bed. I knew I would be exhausted and in for shitty news being told my thyroid was still bad. The question was how bad. Slightly better? The same? Worse?
Then I got up and greeted Tom in the kitchen and picked up my phone to find that dreaded message from my doctor. Only thing is that when I glanced at it I saw “5.87” and I thought that can’t be right. I just woke up and I’m not seeing right. Certainly that’s got to be 58.7. But then the next thing I saw was the word “mild” and finally my brain began to process it and there was my OMG moment! The tears started flowing as the shock, relief, and happiness set in. It was literally like waking up to learn we’d won the lottery.
But I got that first part right upon waking up in that I am totally, totally exhausted so I’ll write more later. I just wanted to share the good news. Now I technically just have subclinical hypothyroidism. It’s a damn good thing I didn’t jump to 100s every day! Seriously, sometimes we’re our best doctors. Jumping to all 88s and adding vitamin D every few days was my sweet spot.
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