Monday, December 30, 2002

Okay, bitch, so you just love the camera, huh? Well, we’ll see how much you love it after you see what I’ve done!

Unfortunately, I don’t have too many pictures of Mary, though I assure you tons of them do exist. The walls in her house are plastered with them. She has a lot of different people on her walls, but she’s in a good 95% or so of the pictures. Too bad she was never pretty enough to be a model. She’d have had a field day!

Anyway, I took a picture of her posed looking straight on at the camera in the middle of a gazebo. I forgot how to superimpose from other pictures (I was going to put some giant rats on her head), so I settled for cutting/pasting copies of her head on the gazebo’s posts, so it looks like she’s standing there with duplicate heads atop the posts.

Then I used a picture I took a while back. When we were visiting, I asked if I could take her and Tom’s pictures. Tom didn’t care, but Mary was quick to oblige. So, I got a shot of her next to Tom, though fittingly, Mary was closer to the camera than Tom was. So when I copied/pasted her head in place of Tom’s, I had to enlarge and rotate it a bit. Rotating’s a bitch, but I managed. I had to because Tom was leaning slightly forward. This means that had I put Mary’s head on Tom’s body as it was, the angle wouldn’t look right. So it looks like there are two Marys with very similar bodies. Mary’s about 50 pounds lighter than Tom and about 5” shorter, but because she was closer, the bodies looked identical in weight/height. It really did look more like there were two of her, rather than one of her and another of her head on Tom’s body.

I’m hoping she’ll get a taste of what it’s like to be embarrassed and put on the spot, but with my shit luck, she’ll get a kick out of it.

Meanwhile, something really wants one or both of us to keep running to Casa Grande. Yeah, once again we have to be put out by other people’s actions. Or lack of them, I should say, in this case. Tom rented that tool for $50 to work on the truck which was due to be returned yesterday. When he got there, all the employees were hanging out in the parking lot, but the store was closed cuz the boss never showed up to open the store. They put it in notation that he did attempt to bring it back, so hopefully the $50 will be refunded without a problem come tomorrow. That’s the second time in less than a week that one or both of us went all the way out there for no damn reason at all.

I am not looking forward to another near-year with the freeloaders yanking my reins, and the fact that I have no choice in the matter, as usual, only strengthens my animosity towards God. How can he allow this to go on year after year like he has and why?!?! And why are those who burn me so damn exempt from the law? Keeping them safe from justice is one thing, but it’s like God wants to add insult to injury by going so far as to reward them. To say that God works in mysterious ways is beyond an understatement.

Those freeloaders are going to be miserable come October 30th when I’m no longer in their clutches. No, not miserable, but pissed. They’re going to be pissed and that worries me a little. I shouldn’t let it, though, cuz they’ll never do to me the things they have ever again. Not in this life! They’ll just prey on some other poor white soul and victimize them for years like they did with me. First it’ll be directly. Then, when one of them moves, they’ll use the black-loving law to get at them indirectly. Like I said, I’d really like to look up how many times they’ve been to court as the so-called “victims.”

Most of Mary’s poems, both of which she wrote and copied from books, are typical of what you’d expect poems to be. However, she wrote a sexual fantasy that had me both impressed with her creative imagination and grossed out. I’d swear a guy wrote it if I didn’t know better. I’ll insert the sickest part of it, though I know it’s a matter of taste, so to speak. Some people really dig this particular shit, but to me, using assholes during sex, threesomes, and shit like she wrote never fazed me.

You carefully reach down to the breakfast plate and take hold of a strawberry. You lick the syrup off it, then put it to my lips and watch me slowly suck on the tip of it. Suddenly you pull it away, running it along my flesh all the way to my clit. You teasingly move it around, making me moan, then you push it into my pussy, then you plunge your tongue into my silky flesh and play with the strawberry, trying to dig it out, making me go into ecstasy. Once you finally free the strawberry, you pop it into your mouth and chew on it, slowly savoring the taste of me.

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