Friday, December 13, 2002

Just ran a couple of dogs off just as they were about to go fucking with the pipes. About 4 more months of this shit! I can’t wait until the fences go up. Hopefully, it’ll also cut down on our local slob’s soda and beer cans that blow onto our land, too. Things like plastic bags are different cuz they can fly up in the wind like kites. There are more can-throwers around here, though, than bag-tossers.

He says the fences should go up pretty fast cuz he’s decided to rent an auger. This is what’ll dig the post’s holes. I still don’t think it’s going to be all that fast. I mean, this is a 10-acre lot after all. Plus, with the freeloaders still ruling our lives, God’s not going to see that that’s done in a hurry, though I’d think that by March or April, Scot would pretty much be done with the home visits anyway. He should be.

Still no fucking form. He said that when he went to call them from work, a recording came on saying that due to the severity of the weather, no one was at work. Guess they must be having major snowstorms in the east, which is where they are. Over a decade later and that shit weather’s still affecting my life!

There was, however, a package at the PO. Tom was too tired to wait till the desk opened, so he’s going to swing by on his way to work. We know it can only be one thing and that’s the mug. At least we got it! That was pretty fast, too.

It’s the Humane Society that I think might’ve ripped us off. It’s been about 7 weeks and still no cards, address labels or anything.

Nothing from Mary, but we did get a Christmas card from Mom, Mary and Dave. I’ll be sending them theirs today.

With barely a few weeks to go before the diet, I’ll be cooking up a storm today. Gonna make homemade whipped mashed potatoes, chicken wings and beef ribs, while I snack on cheesecake bites and my favorite snack which I have every day – popcorn.

If I only didn’t have that upcoming piss test! Things would be so much easier on me, but until that’s out of the way, I can’t relax nearly as much, though, it’s going to take a year without incident after 10/30 for me to really relax. I’m still not as stressed out as I thought I’d be over the idea of the test. All I can say about that is what I said before and that’s that it must be because my mind’s resigned itself to the inevitable. I promise myself and the whole world for that matter that it’ll be only one more time. Just one more time. They can throw me in jail, but they can’t yank down my pants and order me to piss in front of them more than one more time. He’s had plenty of opportunities to test me in Maricopa too, yet I know he figures, why bother, when he can just have it observed in a few more months from when he first informed us of his leaving Maricopa.

Aside from the test, I know I couldn’t possibly have 10 whole months of smooth sailing. There’s going to be something else they’re going to want us to do or some new change between January and October. Things never stay the same on probation. Something’s always coming up, and when they don’t, you worry that they will. True that the closer I get to the end, the less I worry about the classes coming up, but it’s still hanging over my head nonetheless. The possibility’s still out there.

In my mind, I’m considering myself to have 10 months left of probation as of Sunday, since my last report date will be on Mary’s 26th birthday, 10/15.

It’s just like God to hook me up with a PO who won’t give me a break on the bi-monthly reports, too. Like I said, he really wanted to get me good with these people with no breaks or shortcuts whatsoever. I’m at least grateful that he didn’t send me someone hell-bent on setting me up. I mean, it’s not much, but it’s something. God really could’ve seen me fucked over much more so than I already have been, and as anyone knows, it’s been plenty bad enough!

My vibes are looking good, but I swear, if in 6 months to a year from October 30th, a pig shows up at this door saying the issue was never resolved, I will file suit and I will publish a book with the truth, smearing those involved. The press used me and I can use them too, if need be. Tom was worried about any publications bringing attention to ourselves, but if that’s what we need to do in the end, so be it. People do it all the time. Meaning that journalists draw attention to themselves all the time going around writing up on all kinds of people. If they can do it so can I. I only hope I won’t have to. I’d prefer to be doing better things like making dolls.

Now I’m beginning to wonder if there are going to be any mistakes of God’s to have to clean up. If the bitches really did get pregnant, I think they should’ve had the babies by now, but we’ll see. Maybe they’re just going to be a little late. I swear they do look awfully fat. One of them was always fat, but the other ballooned out shortly after her date with the Fella, so going by that and the way Fella jumped their bones, I assumed they were pregnant for sure.


That’s twice I had to chase dogs off. I just noticed a couple of big dogs looking longingly at the pipes before I scared them away. Why are Maricopa’s strays so fascinated with our pipes? There are a million other things in this town to play with!

I still miss my Little Buddy who should be in here with me and not in the cold dark ground. That really sucks that he had to die 4 hours before reporting. Couldn’t God have taken him on one of the days that the freeloaders weren’t a part of my life? Instead, he had to die with them in the picture. But most events in my life are with them in the picture anyway. The bulk of my life just has to revolve around them.

I decided to put two of the frogs with the dark blue betta, and the other two with the turquoise betta. The next two we get will go in with the purplish one, and then I’ll fill the tank with them little by little.

Tom, who will be at Mary’s both Saturday and Sunday, will bring us back more guppies. Hopefully, they’ll survive this time around, even if they don’t breed. He’s going to be tearing out an old shower surround and installing a new one.

Tomorrow he has to go to the guy’s house who sold us the trucks to get the title for the one that this guy used to own.

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