Thursday, December 26, 2002

It’s coming up on 7:00, time for next door’s mutt to bark on and off till around midnight. I still can’t believe I’d hear it this well if it weren’t on our property, but it’s too dark out there to tell where the hell it is. We’ll find out anyway when the fences go up.

I never saw the mouse again, so it either died somewhere in the house, which I doubt or went back outside never to return again. Then, Tom taped the vent, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there were other openings we couldn’t find. Either that or if mice chewed through the tape. Time will tell for sure.

I am so pissed off at Palm Harbor and all their fuck-ups! I always have been and I always will be, but we know that calling them out here would only make matters worse. We don’t need some stupid, illiterate Mexican coming out and doing more damage it’d only get away with.

We discussed various options for dealing with the front and back doors which aren’t flush against their jams and the leaky master shower. Finally, I came out and said, “Except for fixing the sill underneath the front door which is now where I think it’s leaking from, fuck fixing doors and showers and whatever else they were too stupid to get right because we shouldn’t have to! It’s not our responsibility. We paid Palm Harbor to do it and if they couldn’t do it why should we have to? I’m sick of doing other people’s work for them. That’s all we do; correct other people’s mistakes and pick up where they left off. I’m sick of others putting us out or ripping us off. Besides, I feel like us being forced to do what they should’ve done in the factory is only giving in to whatever’s cursing us. It’ll only give it what it wants – a good laugh at our expense. We’ve lived with their fuck-ups this long, we might as well continue to do so. Besides, I still don’t think we’ll be here that many more years.”

Anyway, while on the subject of having to suffer on account of other people’s fuck-ups, today was take two of trying to get our damn pension money. It was the same lady too, and we explained what happened. Naturally, she said it was weird and she couldn’t understand it. With our shit luck, a supernatural force changed the dates after we left.

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