Wednesday, March 9, 2005

I was right. Mary’s not going to respond unless she’s taking her time to decide whether or not I’m worth it. I suppose it’s better if she doesn’t and that I should stick to my rule of once broken up always broken up. As I got older I came to believe less in forgiveness as well as in playing kiss and makeup. I think that if a certain couple or friendship was meant to last, then there wouldn’t have been a breakup in the first place and that if you do have a spat that causes a breakup, there’ll be others as well.

The best and most shocking news is that Tom got a raise, even though it’s just 25¢. So that’s $40 extra a week. Better than nothing, but still insulting when you consider how much money we’ve made/saved others. We’ve lost so much to others and have done so much for others at our expense that it just seems so unfair for people to have profited off us the way they have while we can’t have shit for money. Not even enough to pay for what we need, let alone what we want. We so seldom can get anything for fun these days, and we rarely can pay our bills on time. Once it warms up and we don’t have the big electric bills, maybe it’ll be easier then.

My rage at Queen Marge still burns red hot. Oh, how I wish she’d die! I just don’t understand why God won’t take her. All she does is delay us money we need, take up space, and make more work for Miss Perfect and Dave, who have got to be so sick of having her as their daughter. Their whole marriage has included her in the picture. Like I said, though, I don’t understand why she’s still alive. People need her help and the only way she can help us is if she’s dead and left with no choice! Alive, she’s nothing but a selfish, burden and a punishment, particularly to us, Miss Perfect and Dave. I don’t feel the least bit sorry for Miss Perfect and Dave what with the assholes I’ve come to know them to be over the years and the way they’ve offended, used and insulted us, but I feel bad for my husband and I! The only benefit to her living on is that she’d accumulate more money. However, she could lose most of it if the end is such a long, drawn-out and expensive ordeal. That’s totally something God would do to us too; see that she’s got a lot of money at the very end and then cause her departure to cost a small fortune. And I still don’t think Carol and Steven should get anything either. Not with Carol’s parents being as loaded as they are.

I wish Tom had been an only child. I know part of the reason he was meant to have so many damn siblings is to keep him from getting much money in the end, but if he’d been the only one, we could’ve had her living with us and we’d never have had to struggle. Two’s company, three’s a crowd, yes, and I wouldn’t have liked her tagging along, but we’d never have been as bad off as we have been, and we’d be getting a ton more money in the end.

It’s going to hit 75º, way above normal, in a few days. Meanwhile, it’s just 8º in Springfield. There’s a global warming trend going on that’s warming up some places. Fortunately, we’re one of them, though it’s still cold enough. I miss being able to wear shorts and sleep in the nude!

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