Saturday, June 20, 2009

After I came in from my workout, I saw a cat (Jesse’s?) pounce on something in the brush. It apparently caught whatever it was after because I could see something in its mouth when it hopped back out onto the drive.

I’m gaining my weight back and am up 3 pounds from 125. Therefore, I’ve returned to running. Sure it was nice to not have my heart pounding and to not be so sweaty and thirsty after walking, but I don’t think walking jacks my heartbeat up enough to really be effective for me personally. So I went back to what’s worked for me so far. Actually, I sort of mixed the two today. I’d run up and down the lot, then walk up and down it, and rotate back and forth. Because I haven’t been running much lately, though, I burned out after just 13 minutes.

Since the main key to weight loss is taking in fewer calories than we burn, I’m also watching what I eat today. Or better yet, how much I eat. I still don’t think I’ll lose much more weight at this age and with this much muscle, but I don’t want to gain either. I also didn’t have my special Oolong tea for two days which helps tremendously. In fact, I’m going to go make a cup once this entry’s done, which shouldn’t be too long.

My hips were ok today, but my butt muscles were kinda sore for some reason, sort of off to the sides and towards my hips.

It’s been hot and dry in the 90s. I love it that way and being able to leave windows open 24/7. I was laughing my ass off last night when I read that the Klammers are gonna be getting down to 37º tomorrow night! I’d be so pissed if we were still there!

I’m racking up points at Memolink again, hoping to get a $50 Red Lobster GC before I’m half a century old.

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