Thursday, June 11, 2009

Kiwi’s been down all night so I can’t post there. And Amber can’t spread her “funny” news – awww, too bad.

I almost felt sorry for Emma when I read on LJ that she won’t be posting there or doing anything online as she seems to have gotten really good at pissing people off. My first thought was that she need not go to such extremes, but just grow up instead, quit acting superior to everyone else, and mind her own business. But she DID bring this on herself so it’s hard to stay sorry for long.

Thank God for online journaling. Yeah, the first 19 days of May magically disappeared from Word so I had to copy it from online. I was probably copying/pasting when I accidentally cut instead of pasted.

Good news for Mary. Seems that way so far anyway. Jury selection is now in the process and they think the trial will only take two weeks, which is basally in her hands. The results will greatly hinge upon her testimony. Although the monster isn’t expected to take the stand, they can’t stop him if he does.

I don’t think he’ll get the death penalty cuz most courts fail to do the right thing. I just hope Mary really does get off with time served! She’s gotta watch what she says in jail, though, as it’s getting posted online.

After the trial comes the sentencing phase which will probably take 3-6 months.

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