Monday, June 8, 2009

We got an anniversary card in the mail from my folks today with a $20 bill in it. That was very nice of them. It won’t buy back our pawned stuff or pay the IRS off, but it’ll certainly get us to Denny’s! We’ll go real early on the morning of our anniversary when it’s not so crowded and there won’t be any kids screaming in our ears. I’ll probably get steak and eggs and he’ll probably get a ham and cheese omelet or a burger.

What else… Jesse came down in the truck to get something from his shit pile around 9am, Tom told me. Yeah, that’s why I crank the sound machine up and stick an earplug in my good ear when I’m sleeping in. I figured he’d be down anytime now. I just didn’t know he wouldn’t come to the door.

My body’s gone into attack mode again, LOL, for those of you who have been following my weight-loss journey. I didn’t mean to specifically train my body to rotate between spending a week or two getting a new weight to stick that I hit down at, then a week or two trying to destroy another pound, but I apparently did just that! And now my body’s making a run for the 124-pound marker. Based on the pattern over the last several months, it should hit it within a week, and that’ll make 23 pounds lost – woo-hoo!

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