Monday, April 26, 2010

Ended up sleeping for 12 hours because I slept shitty two days in a row. I slept a little better last time around and woke up feeling more energized. My allergies were better too, though it seems I’ve swapped that in for a backache. Tom rubbed out some of the achiness before he crashed. Wish Marie could pick up where he left off! It was only a temporary relief, then the pain returned. I even took some Aleve for it, but it’s still present.

Tom has urged me not to work so hard, reminding me it’s ok to take a day off, especially on the weekends. I know I should, but I feel guilty if I do. I’ve been at this job since October 1st and haven’t missed a day since, though I don’t always make good money. Some days are just dead.

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