Thursday, April 22, 2010

I spoke with Marie! She sounded nervous, insecure and shy as hell. She was like Paula in some ways, giggling erratically. Only she didn’t ramble on and on and rapidly switch subjects. She was more focused. It was super cool to hear her voice live and to actually talk to her. She was on her break at the time. I teased her about the fact that she sounds EXACTLY like Aileen Wuornos. She got a kick out of it, though she also assured me she was no murderer, LOL! Of course she also sounds like this cop I once knew and picked on. I love her voice either way.

When she told me it was to be down in the 20s tomorrow night I lost it. I thought we had it bad! It just sucks that one of her roommates drives her batty at times. Guess that’s her compensation for not having to pay rent.

She totally flattered the hell out of me by saying she reads everything I write and can’t wait to read my book when it’s done. It’s cool to have such a loyal fan who happens to be someone I love and am attracted to.

Paul also said he looks forward to my “bestseller,” though I’m sure it will be far from a bestseller, LOL.

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