Maybe I’ll remember why I rarely read the news after reading a local news article that just pissed me the hell off so bad my hands are literally shaking. How am I ever going to get over the prejudice brought on by our former neighbors, a bunch of black freeloaders, who used and abused the law against me, when I keep hearing about the kinds of stories I keep hearing about where blacks are exempt from being charged with hate crimes??? And how the hell can they expect us to like and accept them when they do the things they do and take advantage of the fact that the laws are going to go easier on them simply because of their fucking color???
Anyway, what it’s about is this black chick that beat up this white chick at school. And if it isn’t sick enough that the perpetrator was simply expelled and not charged with a hate crime and assault like she should have been, the victim was also expelled, and a bunch of students and parents just sat there and filmed the fight.
Can you believe this fucked up world? People can get away with violence while I end up doing half a year for a fictitious letter.
People are sick. Just sick. And like I said, this isn’t any way for me to get over my own wariness of blacks and it isn’t because of their color, but because of their behavior. Blacks make up for over 70% of the crime in this country. How can I simply set that aside and say, oh well, they’re not all bad? And sure, it’s true that they’re not all bad. I’ve known some very nice blacks who would never do such a thing, but when so damn many of them are out for blood in a time they know they can get away with it or not get much more than a slap on the wrist for it, well, it doesn’t help. This just doesn’t help. You can’t make someone like you or love you, but you can make someone hate you. And when they carry on in society like so many of them do, I’m sorry, I can’t exactly have a bleeding heart for them. But I guess some groups of people tend to be more vicious just like some breeds of dogs tend to be more vicious. The only difference is that humans should be able to learn right from wrong while an animal is only following its instincts.
If you want us to like you, stop crying racism every chance you get when you get pissed off at a white person. Stop attacking us. Stop robbing us. Stop breaking into our homes. Stop the gang-banging. Stop expecting our tax dollars to support you so you don’t have to work.
That’s all I’ve got to say. I’m done venting. And no, I don’t care who I might’ve pissed off along the way. If you don’t like it, don’t read it. Reverse discrimination, along with any other crime, is not more “okay” simply because you might be black!
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