Thursday, September 16, 2010

The stats are kind of weird today. It usually overwrites the last time a person came in on the same date, but today Maliheh’s listed as coming in from Facebook at 10am, and then by bookmark at noon, apparently getting antsy for my next entry. She might’ve thought my account got hacked because MyOpera was glitchy again today and I slept much later.

And again she ignored me when I figured out another email addy of hers and sent a message saying that someone on Formspring “told” me to email her there – was it her or someone she knows?

But the story is obviously important enough to her not to care that I can see every time she visits my blog. I still hope to hear from her when the story’s done, but I won’t count on it. She’s back to coming in via bookmark since I stopped sending Formspring questions to Facebook. She hits my blog an average of 4 times a day. :) But will she ever talk to me?!?!

I guess my rat must be on drugs or something. I swear I’ve never had a rat this active! I let him out for his exercise earlier. Most rats love people, but I still can’t believe how friendly he is! He was giving me kisses like crazy, climbing and jumping all over me, exploring the place, running up and down like someone lit a stick of dynamite up his ass… LOL

Now’s when we would’ve gone from worried to scared had he not yet found a job, since it now would have been less than a month to go before the unemployment ran out.

Someone recently asked me on Formspring if I believed in ghosts and angels. I said ghosts – maybe. Angels, no. Yet I can’t help but feel like something was looking out for us in this case. We were really cutting it close! Now all we have to do is hope that if they’re not going to hire him on, they at least don’t let him go before the end of the year. If he can make it till the end of the year then he’ll qualify for another 6 months of unemployment and we should have it made. Then again, things are still so bad overall that it’s looking like they’re going to extend the benefits in November. We ended up really lucky in this case and once again we really skirted all kinds of potential disasters. There are so many things that could have gone wrong and things could’ve been a lot worse, even hopeless. I know I sure felt like giving up at times along the way. Poor Maliheh, LOL. I survived to write the story after all – hahaha!!! Maybe I’ll work on it later after I clean the bathroom and get some other things done around here.


Looks like Irene, my “friend” in the Philippines, was stealing excerpts from someone’s book for her blog. The author contacted me after she saw me leave some comments regarding her entries saying she doesn’t know Irene and she’s the author and copyright owner of a book that can easily be verified (she gave me contact info). She contacted Irene and depending on her response, she may take further action.

I told Irene, who deleted the blog, that I wouldn’t judge her for it, though this is certainly a concern for me and any other writer. I don’t care if someone copies/pastes my stuff or shares it with friends. But I would absolutely want to kill anyone who might make money from my creative works, and I know God would let them do something like that and get away with it.

Shortly before Tom got in I noticed the water pressure was sluggish again. If I weren’t so damn blind (even with my glasses on) I’d have seen Jesse’s new number written underneath his old one, but since I didn’t, Tom called him when he got in. It’s days like this that make me think maybe we should move. I’m sick of the water problems, and God knows I’m not looking forward to the non-stop barking that’s to come in a month or so and go on and on till next summer. I’m sick of being cramped in here and having just one bathroom, too!

Jesse was actually driving in with his son and the dogs when we called him and met him at the fork. I asked if he’d set up his voice messaging since I’m going to be here more often by myself and don’t know the first thing about plumbing and electrical stuff. Tom showed me how to turn the water off in case anything springs a leak, but that’s it. Jesse said he didn’t know how to set up his voice messaging and said I could text him instead. He also asked Tom about the job. Meanwhile, whatever happened with the well was quickly fixed.

With the pressure back up again, I let the rat back out. At one point he came running towards me with something in his mouth, but I couldn’t tell what it was cuz I had my glasses off (I hate having to wear glasses and wish I could get up the nerve to wear contacts!). So I grabbed him and ran for my glasses and saw it was a piece of a pork bone another rat had dragged off at some point.

I think I know why Marie may’ve called me. Because she drove that Texas chick crazy and lost her. Every now and then I check out her Facebook page out of curiosity (we can still do this privately, but since she knows she can’t view my blog privately, that’s probably why she hasn’t) and found she’s down from 11 friends to 6, most of which is just family. The chick from Texas, as well as a few others from there, are gone. Obviously, the poor chick got sick of the endless cycle of shit I had to deal with where Marie would promise not to jump the gun and be so paranoid when she didn’t respond to each of her 20 messages in 5 seconds. So now that she lost her she wants to try to get back with me, but like I said, I know some people just don’t change and so she’s just going to have to learn from this and quit being so obsessive if she ever wants to hang on to anybody.

Maybe it’s just me, but despite having the crush from hell on Maliheh for nearly 20 years, even she would drive me crazy if she sent me as many messages as Marie did, and even without the paranoia attached. Once every 2-3 days or less is what I’d prefer when it comes to keeping in touch with people by email or on Facebook, gorgeous or not.

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