Thursday, September 23, 2010

Unless Maliheh visits my blog within the next hour or two, this will be the first day in quite a while that she didn’t visit. Something I said? Something going on with her? At the risk of being as paranoid as Marie (like I was with Nane), could she really have it in for me after all? I mentioned that I should have the story done in the first week or so of next month. Could it be she’s decided to wait until then or until she’s emailed the rest of the story, not wanting to give me any more “attention?” Maybe I shouldn’t be too revealing with my thoughts and plans. It could influence what she does for the worse.

But could I influence her to contact me by printing that I’m not going to post or send her the rest of the story unless she contacts me and asks me to? I guess that would depend on how badly she wants to know how the story ends, wouldn’t it?

We’ll just have to wait and see how long or how often she fails to visit me. Right now I’m guessing something came up on her end, and that if she’s going to go away it won’t be until after the story’s done. She’s always seemed just as interested in the comments as she is in the story.

Nothing from Nane today, though I didn’t expect anything. If I don’t hear from her by the first, I’ll wish her a safe and happy trip to Turkey, saying I hope she’ll share pictures of her trip when she returns (which I’ll secretly hope includes her lovely self), but I doubt I’ll see any more pics of her ever again. Or that she’ll ever add me on Facebook.

I just wish I knew how and when this Maliheh thing will end! I was waiting till then to fill Tom in on all the details, but right now I’m still guessing that whether or not she’s impressed with the story, she’ll always hate me and will never contact me. I think she’ll fade away with the end of the story and maybe only come around once in a blue moon from there on out.

Assuming he gets it, I sent Mary and Dave an email asking how they are and included my blog link. I don’t care how they are; I’m just curious to see if he visits my blog. Other than Miss Perfect putting out the distress signal for us a few years ago, people who use my husband and go out of their way to insult me every chance they get aren’t people I care about.

Nickolena does not have kids, so I just discovered. She’s published more of her MySpace page and has chosen “undecided” for kids. Undecided usually means you don’t want them. Well, good for her that she at least doesn’t have any kids yet for she’s only 16. She falls too easily for guys and has the most “amazing” little brother, she says. Wow, not that many 16-year-olds would say that about their little brothers or sisters. And I remember she was oh so disappointed when he was born and she learned she wouldn’t be getting a sister.

Her family will always be there for her, she also says. I hope so. As it is she loses out on one of her aunts and uncles thanks to her selfish, compassionless grandmother and aunt. And of course David and Evie would side with them before they ever sided with us.

Alison has a long-time cyber friend named Kim, whom I’ve also become friends with. Both are 30. Alison’s in Nebraska, Kim’s in Connecticut. And while Alison is dealing with stage 1 of breast cancer, I’m finding Kim a bit annoying. She tweets so damn much that I have to keep scrolling to make sure I haven’t missed anything from others I follow. Then she complains about the textramp bothering her after she writes a “story” about her with Alison, her and I as leads. Well, what does she expect? I told her that the less she writes about her the more Molly will go away.

Molly’s amazing me so far, though it’s only been a few days, by saying “no hard feelings, I’ll leave you alone,” in my shoutbox, and actually doing just that. She still views my blog a handful of times a day, but she hasn’t been in my shoutbox.

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