Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Today I decided my weight should fit my actions, so to speak, and that I should have a reason to be fat if that was what I must be. So I skipped working out and had a big bowl of ice cream. :) I just get sick of dieting and exercising only to not get results. Well, I do get results but that’s just to keep from gaining any more weight. What am I gonna do when I can’t even stop gaining anymore??? I guess then I’ll be having a lot more ice cream!

Andy said he couldn’t read while listening to music so I removed my blog’s MP3 player for now. I didn’t think of that up front, but yeah, some people, including myself, have trouble reading with music or TVs going. It had a pause button but some people may not know that or may find it too much of a pain to always have to pause it for each page they go to. Especially some of my regulars.

The troll’s been Googling my name like crazy. I learned years ago that there’s a person with my name in Ohio and one in Canada and those are just the ones I know about.

Today’s proof, once again, that I live too much in the future as much as the present. Presently I’m enjoying this extra time alone and money. But next week it’s back to the same old rut that could go on for weeks or even months. “Forget next week!” I keep trying to tell myself. “Next week ain’t here yet.”

Yeah, right. I’ll just forget my name and address, too. Maybe even my husband’s and rat’s names.

Not that I expect many people to care, but A Rainbow in Munich has finally reached the beginning of the end so I’m going to go start making it all come together before Jesse gets annoying. He may not, though. I expected him to yesterday being alone and mostly on days, but all I heard was the truck for a couple of minutes, then him leave on the Harley a few hours later. I was actually glad to hear the damn thing for once cuz then I knew he wouldn’t be down to bug me anytime soon.

I’ve seen Irene online but haven’t heard from her. Let me guess… someone said some unpleasant things about me, right? Bet I can guess who, too. Either that or she doesn’t like something I said about Nane despite admitting that Nane can be superficial. I noticed shortly after I added her that her son’s link became unclickable. Like maybe Nane told her how I friended her friends and family and Irene didn’t want me friending her son? She need not have worried, though. Friending kids isn’t my thing!

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