Thursday, August 18, 2011

Why is it that when a man beats a woman everyone’s quick to make excuses for him and support him, but when a woman beats a man she gets thrown in jail? Just wondering about that one, though it’s got nothing to do with what’s going on. What’s going on is that I seem to be getting better and better at winning things I can’t use. Yeah, lucky me, huh? This time around it was for a free night at some hotel in New York. I entered in haste without realizing what it was I was entering for.

Anyway, I’m having one of those why-do-I-bother-living days. I’m just sick of getting the wrong results for my efforts. It doesn’t make any more sense than it would for someone to stand in the middle of a busy highway and not get hit. I work out most days and most days I also watch my calorie intake. After all this hard work, shouldn’t I be losing weight instead of staying the same? And if we’re just as willing and able as the next guy, then why is life treating us as if we were lazy bums who didn’t give a shit about anything? Really, you would think we were some of the laziest people in the world with the way we’re forced to sit on our asses day after day. If no one’s going to give my husband a job then he should be allowed to retire with full benefits. NOW.

Tom was annoying me by not speaking loud enough. Finally sick of saying, “What?” I gave him my own dose of annoyance and spoke nothing but Spanish for hours. :))) Back when we lived in Oregon on a busy street with “tooth houses” that were closely set and he left real early for work, he would tell me not to sing so loud if that’s what I was going to do when I was up at that time. I’d laugh since we both knew I could be heard downtown as loud as I am, and I would tease him by saying he could be outside singing at the top of his lungs in the middle of the night and no one would hear him. It’s so true, too! He is definitely the “soft-spoken” type.

Although childish, I picked on Marilena for 12 hours and then dumped her. I don’t need bigots for friends. I didn’t do anything illegal and I didn’t drag her friends into it, but I didn’t hesitate to speak my mind. It was rather therapeutic and great Italian writing practice. :)

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