Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Mrs. M's promise to remove Molly's so-called blogs turned out to be the bullshit I expected, but that's okay. I couldn't care less about what people read about me, whether false or true. Those who know me well understand the reality. I'm not bothered anymore, and once again, I regret deactivating this and that and making certain things private. I'm not the instigator here, so I refuse to run away.

I need to quickly devour a few hundred calories to fuel my nearly 2-mile run, and then I'll adjust settings later.

They were out three times yesterday next door, but everyone else stayed put all day except for the yellow house, which only left once. Where could a couple of old people possibly need to go three times a day??? I'm grateful they have a quiet vehicle, and our house is solidly built because it's just my luck to be closest to the one that comes and goes the most. When the sound machines are off and there's no music playing, I can faintly hear the car doors closing. It's nothing compared to when the house across the street sells, and there's regular traffic over there. I'm not looking forward to that at all.

The park was blowing the common area beyond next door yesterday, then someone was having work done on their house. Today, it's the gray house's turn for maintenance, and who knows what the park or other houses will be up to.

The after-work bowling party/raffle is today, so Tom will be late.


Stalking is still stalking even if it's mostly done within the gray areas of the law. But mark my words. Sooner or later, you will step further into the darkness... and I will be waiting. Waiting to bring the full force of the law down upon you. I have every right to be enraged when I am followed and watched by someone I want nothing to do with, and their being "disabled" or crazy is no excuse for their actions. It doesn’t make it okay. I also have every right to tell them to leave me alone and to take whatever legal and necessary action to make it stop. And make it stop, I will. Just because you may be too unwell to do what's right, those responsible for you can, and when they fail to do their job properly, the law can hold them accountable for monitoring the disturbed individuals within their care.

From now on, I refuse to run, hide, or make things private because of the lunatics in this world. If I choose to do so, it will be because it's my decision and not because of some deranged stalker. I will not hold back expressing myself about the situation, nor will I close off lines of communication. If they persist in contacting me after I've explicitly told them not to, let them incriminate themselves by building a case against themselves. It will only expedite legal action against them. However, I have blocked their latest IP# and informed my tracker not to notify me when they visit (even though the information is still being stored, just like with their provider). Ignorance truly is bliss.

But someday – someday – you’ll go too far.

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