Saturday, December 21, 2013

The mouse figure came today, and I took a pic of it with the squirrel. It’s much smaller than I thought it’d be but amazingly detailed, as expected.

Someone in Mesa, AZ made a direct jump to my Blogger blog and spent an hour in it. I always wonder if it’s someone I once knew. Whoever they are, they appear to be in an apartment complex, so if it’s someone I know it’s not likely to be any of Tom’s siblings.

Worse was that Molly or her mother got to spend over a minute on that blog. They were kicked right out of LiveJournal, though. As annoyed as I am that they just can’t let go, ignore me and move on, and as much as it proves they’re both the biggest liars on earth since they both said they wouldn’t return or pay any attention to me, the thought of Mommy Dearest (that’s who I think it was) reading the crazy dream I had about her equally crazy daughter before getting redirected to play with sex dolls is rather amusing, hahaha.

Anyway, they’ve lost their reading privileges, and I decided that depriving them was more important than leaving those blogs public. Those two blogs don’t get much traffic anyway, so I’m not depriving myself or any sane, genuine followers by making them private. I suppose it’ll make them look harder for the ones they don’t know about yet, but I should know about it when they find them.

I keep waking up with back pain, and Andy keeps telling me to get a massage. I appreciate his concern and advice, but Tom will gladly massage my back for free, and regardless of who massages it, the pain’s only gonna keep returning. I’m pretty sure it has to do with my mattress, which sucks. I really like this mattress a lot. I can lay on it to read for an hour or so, and I’m fine. It’s only after I’ve fallen asleep that I wake up with lower back pain and can’t lay on my stomach or my side unless I have the body pillow jammed between my knees. After I’ve been up and moving about and I bend over and hold that stretch for a minute or so, I’m fine again. Hate to think I might need a new mattress. And what mattress would I get???

Ran my usual 28 blocks today, even though I’m up a pound. It’s common to zigzag down the scale and not drop steadily like a rock, but it still won’t kill me to stay 20-25 pounds overweight if that’s what I do. Gaining that much more isn’t ok, though, so I gotta keep running. I just can’t get my calories down. I need my 1500 a day! Might even be closer to 2000 today since it is Saturday.

Hazel was out sweeping the whole time, of course. That woman looks so frail you’d think a strong gust of wind would snap her in half like a twig. At least the second time around she was actually gathering leaves with her broom. The first time she was just aimlessly swiping the broom at nothing.


Curious to see what she’d do, I commented on one of Michelle’s posts about the dinner she cooked earlier tonight. She usually “likes” her comments. Sure enough, mine wasn’t “liked.” I’m only keeping her and her sister because of Norma. Once Norma dies, her daughters are gone.

Aly got a kick out of those Molly dreams. Supposedly, with some special attachments, Molly could drive, but she doesn’t think she ever will. I hope not! She also said she probably would laugh at driving on the wrong side of the road.

She said Molly swears it’s not her that went to my blog but her mother in order to “make sure” I’m not bashing her or Marbridge. And what if I were? Would she come and spank me for it? Really, who the hell does this woman think she is, my mother, too? It’s not her job to supervise me!

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