Saturday, December 7, 2013

I still can’t believe Alison would prefer to be friends with someone like Kim more than me, but that’s her prerogative.

Also, I think, but I'm not sure, the block is preventing Molly from accessing LiveJournal. Her hits are registering, but no time is being recorded, so I'm guessing she's probably being redirected after a few seconds.

I'm not sure which I dislike being on more, nights or days. Nighttime is more peaceful, but I don’t want to run in the cold. I don’t mind the dark, but I do mind the cold. It'll be interesting to see if running is more difficult once I finally get back out there. If it is, then I need to stop using the weather as an excuse and just get out there, since the treadmill has become really boring. After all, people run in worse climates than this. They have to deal with much more rain and even snow and ice.

I had the strangest dream EVER. I cut off Tom's penis while he was asleep, hid it in the toilet tank, then giggled to myself as I wrote a note telling him to see if he could find it when he woke up.

What the heck?

Got my three 6-foot, triple-head trees today and can see why someone recommended unwrapping them outdoors. Parts of them are wrapped in burlap, which is utterly ridiculous as plastic would've been enough, and it makes a mess as you pull it open.

It's right at freezing now. After I make the grocery list, I'll decide if I want to go out for a run or not, but since I usually only work out every other day since all I care about is maintaining my weight and not gaining more at this point, I probably won’t.

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