Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Deactivated my first Ask account again because I answer enough questions elsewhere, some intelligent, some stupid, some ludicrous.

Meanwhile, most of my blogs are public with Molly and Mommy Dearest being blocked on the ones I know they know about. A part of me laughs at the thought of just where Mommy will be redirected to the next time she tries to access my blog. You know, the one she said she wouldn’t return to? Well, she did for 28 seconds yesterday. Someone in that household did anyway.

I’m on Twitter again too, though I’m still not sure if I want to keep that account or if I want to protect my tweets or not.

The more I think about it, the more I think it was the mother who went to my blog Sunday night and not Molly. Molly wasn’t supposed to be home till Monday. I thought it weird that they landed at the beginning of that blog. Then I remembered Mrs. M was nosing around my bio, which was at the beginning, several months back. She probably bookmarked the page.

Am still working on trying to get Thoughts to help me, since the bitch lied about closing the blog, and left a comment in my defense, for whatever it may be worth, but am not expecting Thoughts to give a damn. That whole site has gone to hell and I don’t understand why anyone blogs there. I can’t stand them. I will NEVER blog there again. Almost all the features are buggy. If anything, though, it’s just one more piece of evidence against them until Thoughts deletes the blog if it remains unused for 6 months.

Comcast left a note yesterday (probably while I was out on my run) saying that a cable TV signal leakage has been detected here which can interrupt marine and aeronautical communication, so they have to come out to the house to investigate. I called Tom and he said he’d call them after work.

We also have to call my old eye doctor up in Auburn. They took it upon themselves to make an appointment for me on January 30th (not Tom, too?) but we’ll be in Hawaii then. We decided we would stick with this doctor after all. Auburn’s only half an hour away and I don’t want to have to start all over with a new doctor. Also, I miss the Chinese place just a few doors down. Their fried rice was to die for.

Had a dream I was suddenly 37 again and horrified at the thought since that made Tom nearly 20 years older. His being 8 years older and knowing women usually live longer than men is bad enough!

Enjoyed my run yesterday, even if it was to the tune of scattered mowers and blowers around the park. As I ran by one with a blower and saw he was wearing headphones to block the sound, I thought to myself, that’s ridiculous! Why don’t they just make the damn things softer? They’ve made fans and a million other things quieter, so why not these things? Then they wouldn’t have to wear headphones and those around them wouldn’t be so annoyed either.

Every day this week I’ve had to listen to both the park landscaping and various residents. Saw that they use a huge mower in the common areas that they stand on while they drive it. The results are lovely, but I’m so glad we don’t live adjacent to the main common space, as I would hate to have that thing coming up to our windows.

Today’s strength training day, since yesterday was cardio. My upper abs are now flat again so long as I lay on my back and suck them in. Below my belly button is that paunch we all complain about, but oh well. Can’t win ‘em all. Off to work my arms and those flat/bulging abs!


Andy will be offline for a couple of days while he has new flooring installed. I hate to say it but I kind of enjoy the break from him and Ask.

Was reading more about the Jodi Arias case. When it comes to those who have been victimized in various ways – physically, verbally, sexually, legally – I am astonished, ashamed and appalled by just how many people are quick to support the perps, quite often without learning the full story beforehand.

Travis Alexander’s family is being called “selfish” for wanting the taxpayers to help get the courts to seek “revenge” on Jodi. How ridiculous! If they wanted them to pay to throw her in jail cuz they didn’t like something she said, believes, or the style of her clothing, then of course that would be wrong. But I honestly don’t see how it’s “selfish” of them to want a brutal killer to pay for her crimes. Hell, I don’t even know her and I want to see her finally pay. I know she deserves death, but am expecting life. It’s better than nothing, though.

And what about the Jaycee Dugard case? IDK, but some of it just doesn’t ring true. I saw a lengthy interview of her and she just seems too normal for someone who was supposedly kidnapped and raped for 18 years. I don’t doubt that something happened, but she’s just too sane and too intelligent for having been through an ordeal so heinous. And what about the two kids she had with the monster? How can she stand to look at them knowing where they came from? They say a mother’s love knows no boundaries, but come on, there’s gotta be some limits. The second I had a child of rape I would get rid of it because every time I looked at it I would see HIM. I wouldn’t blame it for what happened and I know it wouldn’t be its fault, but I know I couldn’t stand to look at it. I don’t see why any woman would want anything her abductor/rapist could give her whether it was a child or a piece of jewelry.

And why did she pass up the numerous opportunities she had to escape? I know many say she was brainwashed and scared, but so were others who escaped their captors first chance they got. Jaycee didn’t have to be any different, did she? If she can be as smart as she is now, she could have and would have been smart enough to escape… without the journals and other “souvenirs” of her time there, including her captor/rapist’s kids.


Someone (probably Mommy Dearest since Harlingen hit my old Thoughts blog till I made it friends only, has been checking on and off all day for comments on the post where Molly uses my name. Well, they got to see the comment I left in defense of myself, for whatever good it may do. The mother is just as much of a liar as her daughter is, though. She knows about this blog and she knows about her WordPress blog, which she leaves a link to on her Ask account, yet she hasn’t made any attempts whatsoever to shut them down.

Tom called the cable company and it turns out that the notice about the leakage was placed on the wrong house. Then they better not turn our service off on the 22nd like they said they would if we didn’t call them!

Sugar’s got this new thing now when after we play for a while, he “takes” me into the kitchen and to the pantry door where he begs for a piece of Tootie Fruitie cereal. Haha, it’s so damn cute, too. I love that rat.

Romeo continues to be shy but manageable.

We’re thinking of setting up inside cameras so we can watch them and the house while we’re gone. We’re both 99% sure both them and the house will be fine. The park will keep an eye on the place. If our home in Phoenix was ok with a pack of drug-dealing welfare bums living next to it, I’m sure this house in a gated, ritzy community will be ok, too. The rats will be left with plenty of food and water, as well as each other to keep each other company since they often get depressed without other rats around.

Tom was hesitant to install the camera at first, saying there would be nothing we could do if anything did happen to the house or rats and we’d just be depressed by it. True, but the odds are nothing bad will happen, and having the camera and seeing everything ok would probably add to our peace of mind.

When I was out on my run yesterday observing the beauty around me within my gated, ritzy little neighborhood, I remembered back in 2007 when we were homeless. Although it was only for 36 hours, it was the longest 36 hours of our lives. How it pained me so to see my husband have to suffer after all his hard work, and to know that nothing up there gave a damn about us... but look at us now!

I’ve had no pain or stiffness since my last run and hopefully remembering to warm up and cool down before my runs will help. I found some videos just for runners that I follow.

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