Friday, December 20, 2013

Thought I’d do some writing now since Tom has gone into the other room to relax with a movie and enjoy some solitude after dealing with the idiots he works with all day long.

That was the fastest I ever received a package! We ordered the animals last night and by 12:30 the snake and hermit crab arrived. Love my new “pets!” An animal figurine album is definitely in order now that my collection is growing.

Anyway, my snake and crab look amazingly detailed and realistic. The eastern diamondback is a little smaller than the western diamondback. They’re about 3 feet. We lived with the western rattler for 5 years, and those are closer to 5 feet long.

I am learning that the people here are friendly but not very sociable. They’ll happily stop and chat with you on the streets, in the clubhouse, or at the pool, but they don’t invite you to their homes or suggest you go out to eat, shop, or whatever. I guess that’s the whole idea of being here, though, and that they came here for the same reasons we did; they want civilized neighbors but they don’t want to be bothered. So while it’s nice that I’ve met a few people and I know I could run next door if I needed a ride somewhere, I see no reason to feel guilty for doing what works for me simply because it’s not for everyone. My happiness is just as important as yours and well, if you’ve got a problem with my lifestyle, that’s exactly what it is – YOUR problem. I am, however, not going to go out of my way to avoid people either, as I said before.

Andy caught up on my latest journal entries and in regards to the one where I said I could never keep a rape child cuz I’d see the rapist every time I looked at it, “What if I saw me?” Good, interesting, and very thought-provoking question. I’m 99% sure I’d have gotten rid of it, but am glad I will never be in that situation to know for sure what I’d do or what I’d see.

He too was suspicious of the cable company’s note about the leakage, but Tom verified that it was left here by accident and that everything on our account looked fine. If it was someone up to no good they’d keep coming back.


Above is a pic of my dog, cat, horse, and cow. The prairie dog family is to arrive tomorrow. I’ll take a pic of them along with my squirrel next.

Last night’s dreams were both scary and funny. I didn’t go preacher punching but I sure got the ride of my life from Molly! :( In the first dream, she supposedly had a kid with someone at the group home. I thought it odd that she never mentioned the kid (which I assumed was living with her parents) in any of her blogs. Then I was sending her mother a holiday card saying that even though she’s “scary” at times, I wish her and her family the best throughout the holidays. LOL, definitely not anything I’d ever do!

Where it got scary was when Molly was driving me home. She doesn’t drive for real, but in the dream, she kept swerving onto the wrong side of the road, and I had to keep screaming at her to pull over. Every time I did, she would just laugh as if the possibility of a head-on collision was the funniest thing she ever heard of.

The only other negative dream was stepping on a scale and finding I’d gained almost everything back I’ve lost since we moved here. Good thing I was down another two-tenths for real. Part of that may be cuz I ended up sleeping forever. I kept waking up with lower back pain, something I still get even on this comfy bed if I lie in the same position for too long. I also had one weird dream after another.

The funny one took place at the clubhouse here. I casually wandered in and found the old folks sitting at several long tables. I smelled food cooking and asked someone what was going on. They told me that for $1.30 a day, you could get lunch there. Just as I was about to head home, figuring I could get my own lunch, a woman behind a long counter called out, “Cheeseburgers!”

The supposedly old and feeble residents of this lovely park suddenly jumped up, some so fast they knocked their chairs over, and ran like kids to the counter, squeezing and pushing each other in hopes of being the first ones served. LOL

Kim is supposedly up to her usual tricks on Twitter, according to Aly. I promised to keep it out of public, but apparently, there’s a lesbian who’s in love with one of the actresses from Full House. Kim uploaded a pic of that actress and is pretending to be her. The lesbian fell for it hook, line, and sinker and so now Kim’s pretending to be a lesbian who’s now got a crush on the poor woman that’s got a crush on the actress she’s impersonating.

One really has to feel sad, lonely, and like they are nothing in society to continue to do this year after year. It’s the only way she gets attention and feels special in any way. I don’t like the idea of deceiving people, but I also feel bad for her in a way. She’s over 300 pounds with the mentality of a kid and probably has never even been kissed let alone fucked. I hope she doesn’t dream of marriage, children, or both, cuz this is someone that will probably never experience the love of a good man or woman. She’ll never have any money unless she wins it, and she’ll never have any real purpose in life other than to live in a fantasy world like she does day after day. At the same time, I feel bad for her, I don’t. She is the biggest liar I have ever encountered in my life. My problem with people isn’t just a lack of trust in them thanks to all their lies, stupidity, and phoniness, it’s that I fucking HATE them. Most of them anyway. The few good ones that I know really help to make up for the assholes, and for them, I am grateful and I am glad to have them be a part of my life.

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