Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Guess who finally got a period after nearly two months? It’s not much of one, though. Someone told me they didn’t get a period for four months when they started running, so yeah, between menopause and an athletic overhaul, I’d say there probably is a connection.

I looked at running apparel and found the prices to be outrageous. I’ll just stick to shorts, sweats, and tees. Not expecting much more in the way of inches or weight loss, but I can definitely quit worrying about what I eat and just eat when I’m hungry as long as I keep running! I love it! Still, get backaches at times but all my joint pain is gone.

The holidays really seem to bring out the worst in people. Online alone, I’m getting sick of dealing with people’s moods, insults, demands, and pushiness. I’ve pulled back a bit so as not to go on a major dumping spree. Keep it up, though, and some people are going to lose me. I understand the holidays can be a very stressful time, but still, I don’t need that kind of stuff in my life, you know? I don’t expect people to be in a good mood all the time, but if I can’t surround myself with positive, accepting, and more tolerant people, I’d rather just keep to myself. Besides, as I told Andy, I want to spend less time in the virtual world regardless of what’s going on in it, and more time in the real world. Now, we both love Ask and our picture game, but there simply isn’t a whole lot to update him on in just an hour or two. What can I say? I made a cup of coffee? I peed? LOL

I’ll still check in at least three times a day on Ask and once on Facebook, so it’s not like I’ll be dropping offline totally. The other sites vary depending on what’s going on.

Still looking forward to checking that painting class out at the clubhouse on Thursday and finding out just what it entails. Tom thinks you have to buy your own paints and canvases and that he’ll get me some since I’m good at it. LOL, that’s very sweet of him, but I haven’t done it in years (though I don’t see why I couldn’t now), and I’m not sure I want to get back into it. Painting is fun, but I like blogging and running more. So it’s a matter of priority, I guess. Still, it would add a nice mix of variety as long as it’s something I truly like and am interested in.

I totally dread going out in the freezing temps, but at around 7 am I’m going out for my run. I could stay indoors and run on the treadmill, but that is just so darn boring to me lately. Haven’t had any cramps yet but running could change that. Therefore, instead of doing my usual 14 blocks down to the gate and back, I may just circle the block. That way, I stay close to home in case cramps or the cold get to me. I’ll be bundled up in a ski jacket and gloves. Wish I had knee-high socks to keep the cold from creeping up my pant legs and freezing my shins. Oh well. Could be worse like up in Oregon. These temps are rare and short-lived, thank goodness. Just gotta make the best of it for now and remind myself that I’ll spend most of the year sweating out there.

We got an action camera that also works underwater. Sometime I can wear the camera around my neck and film my run, though that may be boring to most people.

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