Friday, December 27, 2013

I’ve told Aly that unhealthy friendships aren’t any better than unhealthy relationships and that while the crazy may not be able to help being crazy, they don’t change. Also, there are different degrees of “crazy” just like there are different degrees of physical illnesses. Well, some are a lot more manageable than others, ya know? But I also know that Aly’s an adult and who she’s friends with is up to her. 

Well, today Molly did something she’s never been known to do before; she dumped Aly. I was surprised, though Aly admits she didn’t get into all the details because she’s been so obsessed with her for so long that after spending years trying to win her over, I didn’t think she’d ever dump her. 

But we know Molly for the most part. Yes, the crazy can be as predictable as they can be unpredictable. She’ll email Aly in a few days or so crying and begging for forgiveness. I gotta see it to believe it, but Aly swears that this time she’s not going to give Molly another worthless chance and could kick herself for thinking she’d matured. The crazy don’t “mature.” I understand her frustration, though. Back in my forgiving days, I went through the same old cycle of shit. You forgive someone and they take it as an opportunity to fuck you over again. Forgiveness is definitely a bad idea for the most part. Certainly not in all cases, but I think in most cases it’s wise to just move on if things don’t work out. There are other people to be friends with. Sane friends that know right from wrong and fact from fiction. 

Although she couldn’t see anything, the troll made her first attempt in days to view my blog, no doubt to see if I mentioned her and Aly’s dispute. Like I said, though, the accounts she knows about are private. If I think she might know about something I can’t track, it gets set to private, too. If I’m pretty sure or totally sure she doesn’t know about an account I make it members or friends only so it’s at least out of Google’s clutches. Now, the accounts are still physically there like Facebook and whatnot, but she can’t see any activity. Ask #1 is down again and my tweets are protected. I also changed my username there. Changing u/n’s on some accounts will change the link altogether while other sites won’t alter the link at all. I love the ones that change the link. 

Then Mommy Dearest emailed her all about how she “broke her heart” or something like that. No, Molly isn’t gay, just in case the few who may see this are wondering that. She is actually quite prejudiced. 

Anyway, Aly said she didn’t even bother wasting her time replying and defending herself. That’s smart, and as I told her, defending herself is not only a waste of time, but not worth the energy. It’s easier to just go along with whoever and be like, yeah, yeah, whatever than to spend the time trying to convince those who should know us better (or don’t know us or the situation at all) about whatever. I know that sort of makes us the liars/assholes they may accuse or imply we are, but I guess the older I get the less I care about what people think, thus taking the time to defend/clarify myself. Does that mean I’m getting more selfish with age as well? Maybe, but if I am, so what? It ain’t gonna hurt anyone to think what they think, false or not. I told her this, too. 

However, I have caught Aly red-handed in lying to me (unless you don’t count not telling me your friends with these assholes as lying), and she has told things to Kim she shouldn’t have told her. Therefore, my trust has been shot in her but not enough to cut ties. If anything else happens, then yes, we’re done for good. For now, I’m just careful in what I tell her. There’s no point in telling her I’m going underground for a year, even though trolls like this often live in a time warp and will act like I’ve only been gone a few days if I do come back to the public limelight someday and if I’m right about their obsession being a forever thing if she’s just going to run to Kim and tell her she can look for me in 2015. I want to be as non-existent and mysterious as possible to Kim and Molly. Do I believe Aly’s learned her lesson and probably won’t tell them what we talk about from here on out? Yes, I do. No point in taking chances unnecessarily, though. 

Speaking of Kim, she's gotten into some other trouble with fan sites and the way she runs them or has in the past. Someone else supposedly called her out big time on pretending to be someone she wasn't and sharing tweets and personal info on them that she shouldn't have without permission and somehow her sister found out about it and now watches what Kim does online. It’s about fucking time the sister realized Kim’s not totally innocent like she claims. 

She also said Kim is far from perfect but on the surface, if you don't expect much of anything from her, she's really not all that bad. It's not true friendship, she knows, but it's enough for her to stay in contact with her. 

Well, after one of her little impersonation stunts nearly caused me to dump Adonis for nothing, I don’t see how anything with that delusional, lying, two-facing nut who can be anyone but herself, could be “enough” for me, but I guess that’s just me. 

It is better to have no friends than bad friends, and while Aly does have some good friends (hey, I’m not that bad or that crazy, LOL), I hope she will ignore Molly’s whiny messages, mark them as spam, and that she will get her fondness for crazy friends and unhealthy friendships out of her system. I can’t stress enough to her how she WILL just keep going through the same old cycle of shit with both her and Kim if she continues to keep in touch with them. But again, is it really my job to tell her she has to break ALL contact COMPLETELY if she ever really does want to be free of them and their shit? If she continues to contact them or acknowledge them when they contact her, even if it’s done every few months, she continues to feed their obsession and madness. 

Unless they want something, and other than to stalk and creep people out, they don’t give a shit about her any more than I give a shit about them. If I could snap my fingers and get them alone we’d never hear from them again, but that’s just not going to happen. 


I wasn’t going to post this as a whole, but with a little bit of editing, I decided I would. Alison said it would be ok to share it since that lovely team can’t see it. As we knew would be the case, they’ve both sent her numerous emails. In italics, you’ll see what Alison emailed me. First, I see two understatements of the century here: 1. I see a perp played vic just like with the Phoenix welfare bums. 2. I see a mother who’s JUST as crazy as her daughter. Thank goodness these people aren’t black or Mexican or something like that cuz they could use that against us, and of course they would automatically be believed. 

Aly received 2 emails from Mommy Dearest and several from Molly. She gave Mrs. McFucked her two cents’ worth. 

Damn, these people really ARE extremists with no boundaries! Someone there made 2 attempts to view my LJ blog, but no time registered. I agree with everything you said except for hoping your email finds her well. Who gives a shit if she’s well or not? I also wouldn’t have apologized for your “rude” tone. You have every right to be blunt and angry. You’re being cyberbullied with unwanted contact same as I have been. I also might’ve concluded with “Do not contact me again.” If the laws ever toughen up when it comes to unwanted contact from bullies such as this mother/daughter team, you have evidence that you continue to receive unwanted contact. It is very important that just like I’m doing you never reply to anything else, so it’s good that you’ve got them set up to hit the trash, cuz unless it’s anything threatening or there’s a black person supposedly being picked on, law enforcement isn’t going to give a shit, as you well know. I don’t think a year of going underground will do me (or anyone else) any good since the crazy seems to have no sense of time. Molly will always keep checking to see if I’m public again and I think that each day will be like I disappeared just yesterday to her. Still, I’m ready to give it a shot and find out for once and for all. 

LOL, so she said she’d pray for you, huh? Yeah, that’s what the nut job told me, too. Meanwhile, I agree with everything you said. The disabled don’t deserve special treatment. I hate it when they’re treated in any kind of special way same as when blacks are. I agree that Mommy Dearest is responsible for her daughter and doesn’t she think that maybe - just maybe - the fact that so many people have dumped Molly is because MOLLY’s the problem? If Molly knows how to create a blog, she should know right from wrong. She’s actually apologized in the past in her blogs for bullying others, so she knows damn well and good what she’s doing, and I realize it isn’t that she doesn’t know right from wrong, but that she just doesn’t care. They’re like the second pack of welfare bums that victimized us in Phoenix before we moved; they knew right, wrong, up, down, but they lived without a care in the world and it didn’t matter how it affected others… or them. 

I also agree that if you pick on someone long enough, they’re going to react. That’s what not only my Phoenix perps didn’t seem to get, but obviously others out there don’t get this either. But punch people enough times and they’ll eventually punch back. Sometimes the only way to get people to let go is if we let go for them. So keep your accounts private and don’t use your real name if you don’t have to. Careful what you tell Kim, too. They may not be friends, but you know Kim has a big mouth. 

What I don’t get is why the group home isn’t doing a better job of monitoring their crazies and remembering WHY they’re there in the first place. After the 30th, we’ll see how many times she attempts to view my blog once she’s back in Austin, and of course if Harlingen tries, I’ll know for sure it’s the mother and not her. Pretty sure the last two days were probably Molly. 

Meanwhile, I’m sorry I don’t have any updates of my own to make, good or bad, but all is running smoothly for Tom and I. He’s enjoying having extra time off AND getting paid for it. Back when he was a temp the holidays actually cost us money.

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