Monday, January 18, 2016

Didn’t like the book Windwood Farm, so I’m now reading The Broken Saint by Mike Markel and it’s okay. It’s a murder mystery. I’m at 48%.

Today’s nice and sunny for a change and we even made it into the 60s. Still too chilly for me, but you would think spring has sprung just by the bugs that are already starting to show up. It’s supposed to rain again tomorrow, but fortunately, it’ll be nice Thursday when I see Stacey. Just a little cloudy.

I have to cut my workouts down to about 20-30 minutes a day because any more than that is making me too hungry and causing me to sleep too long. It’s not like the extra activity makes me lose weight anyway. All it does this allow me to eat more and get away with it. This is why I probably won’t gain any weight on vacation.

Tomorrow night I will dye my hair and shave my legs. Wednesday I will request a lorazepam refill from Dr. A, and give our vacation dates to next door.

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