Monday, April 11, 2016

A Blogger friend reminded me that true friends stick with us no matter what. Always. 

She's right. She's totally a hundred percent right. Thanks for reminding me who my true friends are, Lady Lagoon! 

Despite her logic, I think we always have mixed emotions when a close friendship – or at least one we thought was close – ends, whether they cut ties with us or we decided it was best to cut ties with them. 

Having trouble deciding what sites I want to continue sharing copies of my journals on. I can pretty much rule out LiveJournal and my-diary, but will definitely keep writing on Prosebox. Blogger and Facebook are up in the air at this time. I deleted most of the year’s entries on Blogger, but a part of me regrets it. Maybe I’ll copy them back over later on. 

Did a lot of work and cleaning today, then we went for a bike ride when he got home. 

I’m also having trouble remembering my dreams lately, which sucks, but life is otherwise good. Gotta see my ENT tomorrow. 

My tooth started feeling better just hours after the dentist put my permanent crown on, so no root canals or pulling that tooth altogether! 

Got some goodies in the mail today. My most flexible (Asian) Barbie ever. She’s way cool. Got a few animal figures, and then the other diffuser. Also in the mail today was my “window” overlooking the lush green park with the cherry trees blooming. That’s now above the little table in the bedroom. 

I don’t know why, but sometimes I will look someone up on Facebook and not be able to find them. Then after some time, I try again and there they are. Well, I found my dental hygienist, Holly Clark. Through her, I found Shannan Whitlaw, the dental assistant. I sent messages that I doubt they’ll get. A part of me regretted doing that afterward as once again that’s just me going to them. Why can’t somebody seek me out for once? 

As much as I sometimes would like to be surrounded by people - good people and not just any people – I won’t let myself make any more friends and I still value my solitude when I’m not feeling like shit. I’m just too old for any more drama. I love old people, but I could never be friends with the people I was doing aerobics with in the way that I could be friends with somebody like Shannan or even Kathleen. Comparing Shannon and Kathleen with the people I’ve met here is like comparing my mother to Tom. There really is no comparison. Sure they may have some similar traits, but it’s just not the same. What I’m saying is that I would rather be friends with people like Shannon and Kathleen, but at the same time, I don’t want to be friends with anybody. 

While I’m not physically attracted to any of these women, Shannan has a very appealing personality. She seems very sensitive, nurturing, intelligent and open-minded. I’m sure she’s a great mom, too. I can picture her to be a very fun and doting mom. Her two daughters are adorable (part black?), though I could’ve sworn she said she had a son. 

She’s single and yet another pretty face on a large body. She’s very pleasant-looking despite her weight, though. 

Anyway, she’s single and lives in Citrus Heights. Holly’s married and lives in Loomis. Kathleen’s married because I remember seeing a ring on her finger. Holly and Kathleen are older and very skinny. Shannan’s 34.

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