Friday, April 22, 2016

Last night I slept horribly. It’s like I was on fire and I kept waking up constantly as I had the hot flashes from hell. My heart pounded and I had to take a lorazepam to relax myself back to sleep. How many more years is this shit going to go on? 

Hate being cold (when I’m awake) but I love how today’s rain is keeping things quiet. This should be it as far as rain goes until the fall. 

I heard what I thought was that mysterious early-morning hammering again yesterday, and now I’m thinking that it might be that woodpecker Tom heard and not Bob or someone near him. I heard it at 7:15 yesterday morning and I looked out front to find that next door’s garage door was shut. I can’t believe he would be in there doing his projects that early despite how early he gets up, and I couldn’t see any light coming from the garage window. Makes me wonder how many peckers I might have mistaken for pests. 

Yesterday afternoon I saw a couple of cop cars drive around the circle. They seemed to be there for eight minutes although I have no idea what house they went to or why. 

This morning I juiced half a bag of green seedless grapes with two medium-sized tomatoes and it came out great. Very refreshing. 

Other than that, I’m having a relaxing day. Besides my online work I’m doing laundry and I just finished making out the grocery list. 

Gotta remember not to eat or drink anything other than water when I get up tomorrow because we're both going to the labs. Trying not to worry about thyroid and cholesterol numbers, and god forbid anything new wrong with me they might discover, though I don’t see why they would. 

I had a dream last night that I was in some Austrian jail, only everybody knew English and they all sounded American, LOL.

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