Saturday, August 20, 2016

So after Alison took a break from Twitter for 5 days, she checks in to follow somebody and then changes her link. Kim did the same thing a day or two earlier. Why the fuck did she ask me to resend my message to her if she knew she was just going to run and hide? I am definitely now as over her as one can get. I don’t need the drama. I don’t need the games. I don’t need the lies. I definitely don’t need to associate with anyone connected to someone like Kim and probably still Molly as well.

Molly’s got to be viewing me under radar. I can’t believe she would suddenly lose interest in me just because I’m not connected to Alison anymore.

But if they were going to hide on Twitter, so was I, and no I’m not going to hunt their latest account down either. I didn’t have any followers they could trace me through, so there’s no way they could find my newest and final account.

So that pretty much sums it up… We’re done. A hundred percent totally done. Where I worried I wouldn’t be smart enough to ignore her if she ever contacted me in the future, there’s certainly nothing to worry about now. I won’t be too nice and too forgiving which basically means being too stupid. I will simply do the smart thing and ignore her.

If I were really smart Stacey would never hear from me again unless I needed her as a therapist. I’m not stupid. I know the so-called rules on me be it happenstance or fate. I know that despite the obvious signs that were there saying that she likes me as well, there’s no way she’s going to be my friend. I’m sure she’s “thought about it” and has decided to remain as professional as ever. Meanwhile, I’m welcome to see her at the office, just like she said, but I really shouldn’t bother trying or hoping for anything more than that.

If she does like me as much as I suspect she might, does she think of me as much as I think of her? If I’ve told a few people about her, has she told anyone about me? I still doubt she’s as into me as I am into her or else she wouldn’t be able to resist checking up on me online, including my blog. Maybe she has and isn’t admitting it, though I can’t believe she’d kid me about something like that. There’s more that suggests she likes me than that suggests she doesn’t, but will she ever act on it? If she does like me but would rather see me at her office than anywhere else, I wish I could know that. I’d see her every few months now that I know she wouldn’t mind, and Tom even suggested this if I ran into trouble again in the future. I just wish I knew what she was thinking in order to plan my next move… maybe. Again, what’s the point?

Today is the best I’ve felt in days. It’s wonderful to have my energy back! I finished the housecleaning and had plenty of energy left over. I definitely have to stop breaking up with the Flintstones. I can still feel fatigued at times even on vitamins, but I think they really did make more of a difference than I realized before I stopped taking them.

I don’t even feel light-headed. The lightheadedness and dizziness seem to go hand-in-hand for some reason. Not knowing how long my energy will last; I’m definitely going to make the most of it. This means we will probably be going swimming this afternoon regardless of any brats that may be there that aren’t supposed to be after 1pm.

Part of why I feel so much perkier may be that I slept so much better last night. I almost always wake up several times, but I didn’t last night. Perhaps that’s because I indulged in lorazepam before bed for the first time in a while. This was due to having trouble sleeping.

Blood pressure was 122/77 yesterday and I didn’t have a fever, even though it is possible to have an infection without a fever. When my back molar got infected that the county quack pulled, I had pain but no fever.

Got some more energy-boosting foods like apples, peach parfait cups, and spinach, but thanks to Rachel, I was reminded that some of those foods block thyroid hormones, so I have to go easy on certain foods. Especially with labs just 10 days away.

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