Monday, May 7, 2018

Started watching The Mist and I like it so far. I know it’s based on a Stephen King novel. Pretty sure I read it years ago. Not liking some of the old-fashioned and unrealistic stereotypes, though. You have a gay character but everyone is anorexic and every parent seems to be married while every single person seems to be childless. Also, these days you can’t watch a show without even the subtlest reference to race and that gets kind of old, but I still enjoy the show.

Tammy has been admitted to the hospital and they’re doing a series of tests, but she didn’t say what they were for. I guess they just need to get rid of her infection.

I still wish she’d quit smoking. I’ve only had one infection since the ‘90s and I don’t doubt that that’s mostly because I quit smoking. I also haven’t been in the hospital since I was a kid unless you want to count the breakdown I had when I was 26, thanks to my own lung issues because I was still smoking, and a serious overload of stress brought on by plenty of chaos and lost sleep in the projects I lived in at the time.

As boring as it may be to be in the hospital, I’m glad she has regular supervision. This may be the best way for her to finally get better.

No anxiety today but I sure am having my share of lightheadedness and some headrushes, too. Really hope I’m not in for a lightheaded summer like I was during the summer of 2016! Wondering how much high blood pressure could be causing some of my lightheadedness, the occasional racing or pounding heart, and anxiety, though my blood pressure isn’t that high.

We threw another round of alcohol and peroxide in my good ear and while it’s looking better it’s not clear yet. Definitely going to have the doctor look at it when I see her next month.

Decided to stick to the Amberen till I’m officially menopausal, too.

So it’s a misdemeanor if you stalk a PI in Florida like George Zimmerman is accused of doing, but a felony if you DON’T stalk your neighbors in Arizona, eventually vindicated or not??? And why? Because they were black?

I’d be willing to bet the most Zimmerman will get is three months’ probation and maybe a fine and some community service. Oh, and I’m sure he’ll be sent to a counselor for anger management, something the courts love to do as if that will suddenly make someone not angry about being screwed over. While I’m no Zimmerman fan, I don’t doubt that he was justified in the shooting he was acquitted of. People only took a shit fit over it because he shot a black person. If they were white, no one would even know who the hell George Zimmerman was. I also don’t doubt he’s been harassed by various people ever since and that’s what’s caused him to snap.

Either way, all this bullshit about blacks being these poor, poor little victims is just that…bullshit. There may be a few that are truly discriminated against but I think it’s pretty sad that society doesn’t want to see that they’re actually favored in most cases.

Sometimes I wish I could live in my own fuzzy little bubble of comfort and delusion and only tell myself what I wanted to hear and believe.

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