Thursday, May 17, 2018

Pretty sad that it’s May 17th and I have to turn the heat on to take the chill out. The house got down to 67°! And there I was thinking summer was finally here. The afternoons are nice, though.

For some reason, maybe because I slept so long the night before, I was up 19 hours and I barely slept for 6 so I’m a little tired today. At least I’m not anxious and am less lightheaded today than I was yesterday. I was super lightheaded at the beginning of my day yesterday.

Tom made it to Urgent Care yesterday and didn’t have to wait as long as we thought he would have to wait. He filled out the paperwork that he got online which probably saved time right there. It also didn’t cost anything as it’s considered a regular doctor’s appointment, so that’s good too. The doctor he saw thinks it’s allergies. We’re both a little surprised. Never heard of allergies making you deaf. She said she normally would recommend Sudafed but you’re not supposed to take that with blood pressure medicine, so she recommended Flonase instead. That’s similar to the Nasacort that I snort up on once or twice a week to keep the wild sneezing fits at bay.

He said maybe he’ll see my ENT if he isn’t better by then because he would really like his hearing back. “No, you wouldn’t,” I told him. “The world is too noisy. Why would you want to hear landscaping, traffic, planes and all the other shit you hear around here?”

He said he almost overslept because he was lying on his good ear when Alexa said it was time to get up.

Now THAT bitch has bionic ears. I just said her name into the speech-to-text as softly as I could and she still heard me. LOL

I’m just grateful that he doesn’t have anything serious. Hopefully, this doctor knew what she was doing because as I’ve learned, doctors are only human and they do make mistakes. Sometimes they can be just as bad as cops and lawyers. The difference is that they’re allowed to get away with it.

Or maybe not. Aly called for her lab results and they said they didn’t have anything on file and that her doctor was fired. So I guess all three of us are soon to be on the hunt for new PCPs.

As I was telling her yesterday, I’m really grateful for her friendship because I feel that I can tell her anything and she’s very open-minded and understanding. She can relate to a lot of things that I’ve shared with her and we have so much in common. While I generally don’t mind diversity as long as nothing is forced on me, I can’t deny that it’s nice to have a friend like me who is kind of between agnostic and atheist. There’s nothing more annoying than having to hear God this and God that in nearly every single conversation I may have with someone. It’s just that many believers tend to act like you totally agree with them and you have to stop and remind them that you only nodded or said “yeah” not because you agree but because you’re acknowledging that you heard what they said.

Another thing I like is that she always asks how I’m doing and doesn’t just contact me to tell me about herself.

I know nothing is guaranteed in life. Friendships come and go and while I hope we will always be friends from here on out, I know I can’t count on anything and therefore I just enjoy what I can.

I now have a lovely pink basket on my bike with a beautiful tie-dye helmet sitting in it. Not sure I’ll go out riding today because I’m tired. I think I’ll mostly make it a writing day. Poor Tom, though, LOL. He got an extra-large helmet yet his head is too big for it. Meanwhile, I got a kitty helmet and mine fits me perfectly!

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