Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Tonight was another reminder of why it’s helpful to spy on your visitors. According to Google Analytics, someone linked to my blog from Instagram. My first thought was how the hell they managed to pull that off if I don’t have an Instagram account? But sure enough, I found that I did. Probably had to join for some contest or in hopes of finding a way to store photos there.

Slept shitty like I do most of the time I sleep during the day. I’ve been burning and itching down there more than usual, too. When I got up to deal with that and because I had to pee, I took a Zyrtec. I don’t think Tom’s strong cooking smells woke me up but just in case, I’m going to maybe tape a cotton ball to my nose since I don’t want to shove anything up it as the week before an appointment is critical. Yet Tom still needs to eat. After that, it doesn’t matter if I’m woken up by him cooking because I’m woken up enough of the time as it is be it just because, because of dreams, to pee, traffic, whatever. This is why I don’t have a full-time workout program I follow. Too tired too much of the time. I still believe I’ll adapt someday but right before an appointment isn’t the time to worry about that.

Tom decided we shouldn’t bother drywalling the hallway because of the extra work and money it would take. We’re just going to paint it white.

Forgot to mention that the fucking eye insurance people said we can’t go to the doctor until it’s been a year. So no new glasses until after October 16th because according to my journal, that’s the last time we were there. What do people do in the event of an emergency?

My cyber-friend Christine got married a few days ago.

Began the revenge story I’ve wanted to do involving the kidnapping and torture of the freeloaders for quite a while now but just couldn’t come up with the best of ideas until watching The OA gave me a brilliant idea in an abandoned mine. The “cells” in which they’re held hostage consist of a round plexiglass circle that is about 25’ in diameter which is sliced into sixes like when cutting a pie. It’s kind of like the bullet-proof material jail cells are made of.

There is a trough with natural running water that winds its way through the cells and that’s where they drink, piss and clean up. There’s also a feeder that feeds them these nutritious “pellets,” to keep them alive for as long as I want and that also allows my helpers and I not to have any direct contact with them unless we wish to.

The point of the story is to torture and terrorize those I hate the most which would be the former neighbors and the black pig and let them believe they’re going to be killed along with others who were killed when in reality I plan to turn them loose in the end so they can have to live with what I did to them just like I have to live with what they did to me. And believe me, what I do to them in the story is a whole lot worse than what they ever did to me! If I knew we were both going to die right now I swear I would email it to as many contacts as I could find! Only then could I exercise my right to free speech knowing there wouldn’t be a damn thing they could do about it.

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