Thursday, May 3, 2018

Wow, traffic let me sleep till 10:30. Now can we stop the weekly projects? Even when I’m not hearing tools and equipment, the constant door slamming of vehicles gets old. Wish we were rich enough to hire services so often ourselves, LOL!

Accidentally woke up Bob & Virginia because by the time I tapped on their storm door was when I realized they were napping in their recliners. I’ll be “punished” tenfold for that as I roll onto nights. That insanely loud car is back to visiting and I really hope it’s not gearing up to move back in. I do NOT want to go back to hearing that thing roar in and out of here 6 times a day or more!

Anyway, I went next door cuz Audrey got mail from the fire department and I thought she was still friends with Bob and Virginia since they went to Gene’s funeral and all that. But Bob said he didn’t know where she was, so I stuck it in the outgoing mail. Audrey isn’t dead, though, because I just did an obit-check.

Speaking of the fire department, they were at Lawrence’s place again. I cringe every time I see them there, not just because I hate to see anyone suffer but also because I worry he’ll sell the place while we’re still here, leaving us with who knows what for neighbors too close for comfort. His place is right across from the bedrooms. Not an ideal place if you’re the light sleeper I am. There is always traffic and projects going on in places being prepped for sale and then shown to prospective buyers. Then you never know how much company or projects the new people might do. The new lady diagonally in back of us has been fine but that’s diagonal, not right in back of us.

The house diagonally in front continues to blast their TV at night. They have to be unfuckingbelievably deaf to need it that loud! Since it’s only mildly annoying and since I only need to keep the air cleaner on medium to drown it out, I can live with it. They don’t do it every night and when they do it usually stops by midnight.

Living here has taught me that not only are retirement communities not as quiet as I thought they were (unless you’re living in Tammy’s park) but you will hear something no matter where you live. We don’t have dogs left outside round the clock barking up a storm and we don’t have wild kids screaming their asses off, but never have I lived anywhere where I heard nearly as much traffic and landscaping. Car stereos aren’t as bad as Phoenix and Oregon, but I hear enough, even if most aren’t in the park. But the point is the same, whether you live in an all-ages community, an adult community, a house or an apartment, you’re always going to hear something. Therefore, as I told Tom, we may as well just focus on climate and price with the next place and not where it’s at as long as it isn’t in some gang-infested, rundown neighborhood. The most important thing is what I can drown out with the sound machine. The landscaping is annoying but I can drown it out with the sound machine. Some of the traffic, I can’t.

Is it possible to get a headache from topical treatments? I don’t get headaches very often but it’s quite a coincidence that the last two times I use this ointment I get a headache bad enough to need ibuprofen.

Still getting a little lightheaded at times, but feeling a lot calmer back on my old brand of thyroid meds.

Damn, it’s hard to see my laptop screen with progressives! I would need single-vision lenses for sure if I had to use this regularly as opposed to my large monitor. Maybe next time we get glasses I’ll get “fully loaded” progressives as usual and then a pair of plane single visions that don’t have transitioning or anything like that because I do use this thing half the time now. I work in the bedroom in the daytime and the living room at night.

All I remember for dreams last night was checking an incense oil list and being all excited to go out and buy some “Princess” oil before I realized I had some already.

Then I walked into my house which didn’t look like my house after leaving it unlocked for a while to go chat with neighbors. Worried that someone might have been in the house when I saw something out of place, I realized my purse was still present but went to check out the rest of the place anyway. I don’t think I found anything suspicious. At least not before I woke up, LOL.

Aly moved out of her apartment and in with a couple of gay guys because she believed that there was something in the apartment that was making her skin issues worse. She hates being away from Jase but in about six weeks they’ll be renting a house of Jase’s parents’ since they’re retiring and moving. It’s got two floors. I miss that! But in the West, they’re not the norm.

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