Sunday, May 27, 2018

Very tired now. It’s days like this when I think of going all-audio with my journal. The only problem is that audio isn’t searchable like text is unless I add tags for every subject I mention, big or small.

I slept shittily. Sometimes I woke up due to weird dreams and other times traffic. I don’t understand why I’ve become such a light sleeper if that’s even possible since I’ve been a light sleeper since 1990 when I stopped the Navane. Better yet, what’s with the bionic ears? The sound machines I’ve had in the past, like the air cleaner in Oregon and the box fan, weren’t nearly as loud as my current setup yet I wasn’t woken up nearly as much by traffic. Is that because there wasn’t as much loud traffic and I wasn’t as close to the road or is it just something about me? I even had a dream that I asked Tom these very questions. It’s probably just me. Phoenix was on a concrete foundation and I don’t remember much in the way of motorcycles but you did have delivery trucks and car stereos. Yet I slept through most of it with a box fan. I guess maybe something’s either cursing my sleep or I spent too many years in the boonies. Either way, sooner or later I’ve got to adapt cuz that’s what humans do. It’s just taking me a bit longer for some reason. Tom could sleep through daytime noise if he had to so that doesn’t mean I couldn’t learn to, too. We may be different people, but I’m just as human.

I also dreamed I was running from some guy. I ran out of what might have been a bedroom, into a hall, and then into another bedroom’s closet. Then I heard several people applauding so I knew my hiding spot was no secret.

In the last dream, Tom and I were either staying with or renting rooms in this older guy’s house. It was a large house too. Then one night we watched a documentary about him being suspected of murdering his mother. Not wanting him to think we were afraid of him and prepare to turn him in, I assured him that we knew he was innocent.

Not much else going on. I’m just very tired. I took a Zyrtec one of the times I woke up so maybe that’s part of it. Had a headache too, so I took ibuprofen. No lightheadedness these last couple of days but at the end of my day yesterday I had a little anxiety. Not the racy heart kind, the stab you in the chest kind where you feel waves of anxiety in the center of the chest. I didn’t skip my meds but I will if I have to between now and labs or anytime. I’m not going to be like a kid trying to get good grades so she can keep others off her ass.

Haven’t gone anywhere so far this weekend other than to Walgreens where I got the third Magic Velvet coloring book. First I got the butterfly theme, then the animals theme, and last night I got the ballerina theme. Did the whole thing in just a few hours. They’re fun!

Took a break from this entry for a 2-hour nap. That’s how tired I was. Loved that I only needed the air cleaner to drown out the planes, plus the fan cuz it was warm today. Wish that was all I needed in the daytime.

Finished Facebook Stalker by John Meaney, and now I’m listening to You Saw Too Much by Adam Nicholls. Both books are great, although the first one was riddled with so many typos and grammatical errors I’m surprised Amazon allowed it for publication. Then again, should anything about Amazon really surprise me all that much these days?

Decided to delete my Dreamwidth account but I still have LJ. It will take 30 days for it to be deleted. The shitty thing about those two accounts is that you have to delete entries one at a time. There’s no mass delete feature supposedly for security reasons. Maybe once this Dreamwidth account is gone I’ll delete what’s left of my LJ entries, create a new Dreamwidth account, and then cross-post stuff to have yet another backup and two more accounts with my story to live on long after I do. I still kind of like the idea of my story being out there for anyone to read for an indefinite number of years after I’m gone, even if not everyone would like it. I guess it’s just cool to think of leaving my own little digital footprint on the web. They say anything we put on it is forever anyway. It’s just a matter of who may see it.

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