Tuesday, May 22, 2018

In my own personal opinion, I see kids as freedom-sucking, smelly, noisy, messy and expensive and I don’t know why I considered one of my own for a few years way back when. This is the US where we don’t usually get pressured as much into having kids. If anything, it’s just the opposite. Despite my opinion on kids, however, they’re still human and so I kind of feel bad for the royal children always having to be in the spotlight and never being allowed to be just children. Instead of having to put on a show for the camera or their “special” and “important” guests or something like that, shouldn’t they be off playing somewhere? Just because I haven’t wanted my own doesn’t mean I like to see them abused in any way and while they may not be “abused” in the literal sense of the word, let them be kids for God’s sake! Teach them manners and respect so they don’t go running around screaming in stores and restaurants like they often do here, but let them be kids.

The boy my buddy nannies for is rather brilliant from what I hear. He’s like us in that he’s very curious by nature and always wants to know how things work and why they are the way they are. He likes to learn and understand things. So when she told him of some symptoms I experienced yesterday, the little guy decided I either had high blood pressure, malnutrition, or a lack of sleep. LOL, he might have nailed the first one.

I’m a little concerned as to why my vision has taken such a nosedive (the large monitor is just as blurry as the small one) but no, I don’t have diabetes. I’m too active. I didn’t make a career of parking my ass in front of a TV day and night like my mother, who was a diabetic. I guess the apple doesn’t always fall too close to the tree!

Speaking of my large monitor, I can’t get the damn thing to work. No matter what I do I keep getting “no signal.” So if I’m going to be blind anyway, I might as well just enjoy the convenience of working only on the laptop (although I will keep my full-size keyboard and mouse) because that way I can move around the house more easily. It would still be nice to be in the living room at night even if I hear freeway car stereos in the warmer weather. They’re part of the natural soundscape in 99% of the country anyway and I’m a little more used to that as long as it isn’t too close, too loud, or for too long. This is the first place, however, that I’ve ever lived in that had daily landscaping so it’s taking longer to adapt to the daily buzz.

Aly and I have been having fun playing with scammers. I get tons of emails from them but she doesn’t and kind of wishes she would so she could have fun playing with them as well. So I’ll use speech-to-text on the phone while running it on my laptop which isn’t nearly as accurate, send them a bunch of mumbo-jumbo, make sure the message doesn’t bounce, and then forward it to her so she can have her turn playing with them. LOL, it’s kind of like making prank phone calls all over again only it’s digital and perfectly legal.

Last night I had some dream about trying on these loafers I thought looked boring but were very comfortable and then I guess I was in labor. Some woman said something about getting me shaved and then I said something about selling or giving a Barbie doll away.

“Don’t you want to know if your Barbie doll is valuable first?” the woman asked me, but I assured her with confidence that I knew which ones were worth money and which ones weren’t.

Then Tom was telling me he could hear the phone in the neighboring house ringing from his bedroom and I said I could hear it in the last house, whatever that meant.

Lastly, I glanced out a window and saw a cat and dog engaged in a vicious fight and was surprised neither of them was hurt.

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