Friday, May 18, 2018

Should’ve figured that how great I felt yesterday was the exception and not the norm seeing that I’m a little lightheaded today. At least I’m not anxious. But yeah, yesterday I was totally “normal” and totally felt like my old self. No lightheadedness, no anxiety, no nothing but a whole lot of noise. Traffic and landscaping nonstop. I don’t care if “that’s just life” or if “that’s just the world we live in.” Sometimes I just don’t want to hear it, okay?

Still worried the bastard with the loud car is preparing to move back in because they seem to be getting “testy,” especially if they moved because of complaints. I remember how it was after a while would pass after complaining about the freeloaders. Rather than going back to their old shit right away, they would slowly test the waters to see how much they might be able to get away with the next time around as if hoping people would “forget” or simply not notice them or care and bother to report them. It just seems like it’s human nature or something. But now that they’re visiting twice a day, they might as well just move back in.

I think it’s pretty sad that there’s a shooting practically every day in our nation’s schools. What is this world coming to?

And as for the guy that went on the rant about people not speaking English in the US… I’m not so much opposed to Spanish being spoken as I am to Spanish speakers not learning English. It’s great to be multilingual. It opens up a lot of opportunities when you go to other countries, online, etc. It’s good brain exercise too, which studies have proven helps guard against dementia later on in life. BUT… If you’re going to move to another country, it’s okay to speak your native language with other native speakers but it’s not okay not to learn the country’s main language. If I can learn other languages so can you! I can read, write and speak three other languages and I can read a few more. You mean to tell me you can’t learn just one language? Just one?

What’s funny was one of the comments on a comment Tammy made in support of this lawyer who was going on the rant. Did most people support the foreigners? Well, of course. But it was funny how Tammy said that if you don’t like speaking English here, get back on your boats and get the hell out, and someone replied with, “You don’t need a boat to go to Mexico.”

LOL, True. And of course there were plenty of others who got on her, calling her old, jealous that she couldn’t speak another language herself, etc. I think she eventually deleted her comments.

Sometimes I think she’s way more of a hater than I’ve become. I wonder just how “accepting” of my sexuality she really is.

The bean bag came yesterday and OMG is it huge! And it’s not literally “beans” but shredded foam. When they said 5 feet, they meant 5 feet, but the color doesn’t look like it did online. This looks like the color of grapes. Online it looked more like a royal purple. With or without the doll, I’m glad I got it. It’s very comfy and will be easy to take with us when we move. There’s a zipper going around it so I guess I can unzip it, reach in and break up some of the foam to even it out. I’m not going to be sitting on it, though, the doll is. I doubt she’ll mind any clumps under her ass. :-)

Started watching The OA on Netflix and after that, I’ll watch the second season of 13 Reasons Why.


The more I get to know certain people, the more I see just how hateful and immature they can be. I thought I was bad at times. I can totally see hating or at least having some resentment and reservations when it comes to certain things and groups that have been a proven threat to society. We all have our pet peeves. It’s just that it’s not “politically correct” to say so. But in my opinion, when you automatically hate certain types of people who have never done a damn thing to you and haven’t shown themselves to be detrimental to society in any way, that’s just plain fear. That’s just downright fear, insecurity, and self-hatred.

It makes me wonder just how many people I may have overestimated as far as their acceptance of me goes and the fact that I’m bisexual, for ex. Like Tammy. How many people, including her, may I have had in my life that weren’t nearly as accepting of GLBT folks as I gave them credit for?

I can see where sometimes being around certain types of people can make us uncomfortable because we’re not used to them, we don’t understand them, or we’re just not interested and therefore we can’t really relate. But how many of these people that seem to be okay with those who are harmless albeit different than them in some ways, really accept GLBTs? If you’re not okay with someone being in the military or adopting children simply because of how they are, maybe you’re not as accepting as you think. Again, to have ill feelings towards those who have committed major atrocities around the world is one thing, but I would be genuinely worried for myself and wonder what the hell was wrong with me if I felt that way towards someone due to their sexuality that never touched an underage person or made anyone do anything that they didn’t want to do. To hate someone for the savage acts they’ve committed is one thing, but if you’re going to hate gays, is that much different than hating someone because they may have red hair? Maybe some people should take a good long look at themselves in the mirror and ask themselves just how “okay” they are with “those people” because I’m one of those people, and you’re welcome to exit my life if you have a problem with “those people.” No one is obligated to stay in my life but my husband. Just saying. And don’t give me that, “I don’t have a problem with them as long as they don’t hold hands around me” crap. But it’s okay for straights to hold hands around you? Sorry, but if it’s only okay for some people to do the same things that are okay for others to do, then you’ve got a problem and therefore I have a problem with you.

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