Sunday, March 24, 2019

Made 2 trips to Walmart. First to get gum, soap and caramel vodka, then to get soda, a candy bar, a lock for the car’s charging cord, and my meds. Fucking $91 for my Levo and an inhaler. When I compared these pills, which were straight from the bottle they’re manufactured in, to the pills I started a week before getting anxious again, we found they’re not quite the same.

Damn you, Walmart! Damn you, damn you, and just fucking damn you! It pisses the shit out of me when I have to suffer because others can’t do their jobs. It’s supposed to be in their fucking computer that I can only take Sandoz. So damn them for making me suffer any more than necessary!

Different doses are different colors and 75s are lavender. Whatever the other brand is they gave me is grayish and slightly shorter and fatter. There are also different things written on them which I copied onto two Post-its, one for him and one for me to carry. Sandoz has the number ‘75’ on one side and the other brand has the letter ‘M’. Plus they have different numbers and letters on the other sides.

Walmart not only has its hard liquors locked up, but someone has to walk you to the register with it. Some silly new rule they have, the guy said. Like we won tons of cash in a casino and he’s this guard protecting our winnings or something.

It seems that if there’s anything at all that may help calm my anxiety the most it’s a shot of vodka. It’s only for that reason that I got another bottle. I do like caramel, though, and for $10 it’ll last quite a while.

I even got a pair of shot glasses for just a couple of bucks yesterday when we went to Rite Aid. Plus, I got those mini Rosé and Merlot wines which they sell in pairs for three bucks, and a pink brush with “diamonds.”

Candy is great and he wishes he went electric a long time ago. He’s got the timer set for it to charge from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. and for the temperature to be set to 72° at 5:20 am. Again, it seems so luxurious even though most modern cars have these features. Love how we can leave it unlocked because we not only don’t have anything valuable in it but we have a smart key with a chip just like the Caddy has so it can’t be hot-wired.

When the car is still at a stoplight and there’s no AC, heat or fan running, you would swear you were sitting in a car that was completely turned off, that’s how quiet it is. We’re going to charge as many things as we can between midnight and 6 a.m. because it turns out we can get a discount on electricity for having an electric car.

Took a quick walk together afterward and now we’re doing our own thing. He’s coding while I’m blogging. The weekend has been a pleasant one overall but yesterday was a bit emotional for me. Tom was very supportive and understanding, though, and I truly love him for it. I was almost bipolar, LOL. First I was anxious until the vodka set in, then I was teary-eyed as a random memory of my mother hit me. It’s actually my worst memory of her where she damn near killed me. Although it wasn’t intentional, it was definitely a blatant lack of concern on her part that nearly got me killed. I don’t know, maybe deep down she hoped I wouldn’t make it so she could have an easier life.

I was all excited to start S2 of The OA but it is nothing but confusing and boring as hell.

So Norma did comment on my haircut pic after all, and I was surprised when Mrs. Twenties “liked” it, too.

After not hearing that fucking car for the longest time in a while, it came in today. Really hope they don’t go back to coming around every day!

Just did an Amazon order to grab some strawberry Tic Tacs and other things.

Decided to get an air popper to make homemade popcorn which I miss. It’d be healthier that way when I didn’t add oil or butter. For fun, we did get a variety pack of flavored salt. Flavors include White Cheddar, Nacho Cheddar, Ranch, Butter, Kettle Corn, Caramel Corn, Bacon Cheddar, and Cheesy Jalapeno, but there’s no way in hell I’ll touch the last one.

The popcorn maker is silicone and there was a choice of 14 different colors. Of course, I got pink. :) I like yellow popcorn best so I got some yellow kernels.

Grabbed a 6-set of colorful shot glasses so I’ll have plenty between running the dishwasher and a 24-set of plastic color-changing spoons that oughta be cool.

Had a horrible dream that I was sentenced to 10 years in a group home as opposed to jail. It was still a shitty dream because even though it wasn’t jail, I was still locked in like a prisoner. I was saddened to think I wouldn’t be going home for a decade unless Tom and I figured out a way to break me out of there.

I don’t know what it was I supposedly did. Probably said or wrote something that pissed someone off which they absolutely couldn’t ignore and felt legal revenge was the solution to me hurting their feelings. Whatever it was, I knew the freeloaders were behind it somehow.

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