Friday, March 15, 2019

Jesus! I look forward to a break from texting back and forth with Aly when I’m on nights, and what am I doing right now? Yeah, you guessed it. I’d put the phone in the bathroom so the vibing and beeps don’t distract me but I need it for Google Docs. Hopefully, she’ll go to bed soon. Cam is on his way home, she said.

But why is it always “I’ll listen to your audios later” with her? I only sent one 30-second audio. Is this her way of saying she prefers text?

She and I decided to create our own private cabin on NaNo rather than be in a random cabin or of specific criteria.

Haven’t gained weight and I’m not really noticing much in the way of hypo symptoms even though it’s only been 5 days. Felt VERY mildly anxious at times but it was gone before it could set in enough to count for much. Residual effects of the meds? shrugs Who knows? I’m still hoping I can prove myself wrong about the meds being the main culprit. If not, then what’s just as scary as the poison itself are the “professionals” who have been telling me I’m wrong.

Will restart the poison when I get up tomorrow, though I don’t know for how long. It would be nice if we could get results through the company Dr. O recommended so I can be the one to tell them my numbers and make sure they’re what they want to hear. Still not going to decide until after I see Dr. A, but I’m leaning towards quitting for several months so I can finally go from suspecting to knowing either way if the poison is making me anxious or not.

My TMJ was so bad last night that I thought I might have either an ear or a tooth infection. However, when Tom dumped alcohol and peroxide in my left ear it helped tremendously. Does that mean I don’t really have TMJ? Or could an accumulation of ear gunk aggravate it?

This time traffic only woke me up once after I was drifting back to sleep after getting up to pee and hadn’t quite positioned the bud properly. Proving my sleep is cursed no matter what, I woke up several times just because. I still feel much more rested than the last two days.

It’s going to be damn near impossible to sleep next time around even with the earbuds because it’s trash day. Why can’t they just come and go like every other place I ever lived instead of making a half-day production out of it? I hear them four times over the course of four hours. I really hate that number, too!

These animals are more like children…lotta work, little me time. We had fun, though. The rats ran around while the pigs screamed for more and more lettuce until I finally decided to just let them scream it out for a while. They settled down soon enough.

Saw New Zealand trending on Twitter, jumped on Facebook where I knew Polly would have mentioned what was up, and so far I guess 40-50 people in a mosque have been killed. Tragic but you know how I feel. After decades of threats, beheadings, killing their own children in the name of “honor death,” pushing gays off of buildings, killing Jews, burning Christians alive and basically targeting everybody that doesn’t conform to their standards, they are now reaping their just rewards for the pain and suffering they’ve inflicted on so many thousands of people.

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