Saturday, March 16, 2019

When Muslims attack, they were supposedly provoked. When Muslims are attacked, everyone goes to shit. WTF? How is it this group can commit so many acts of savagery in so many countries for so many decades, yet they get such a greater outpouring of sympathy than when Jews or gays are massacred? HOW???

I know they say two wrongs don’t make a right, but people can’t expect to pick on others and not get a reaction or have karma eventually come calling. Do you really think you can just go around pushing people off of buildings, throwing them in acid, and a host of other inhumane things without any consequences?

I am truly stymied by the love and sympathy these people are getting from around the world. Not that it does them any good, since it’s not like killing 50 of them is going to cause them to go extinct, but it’s no wonder a few people step out of the realm of political correctness, get fed up, and take action on their own. I don’t care how hateful I may sound to most others either. I don’t and I won’t support such a violent and non-tolerant group of animalistic beasts.

I knew Aly, who knows we don’t share the same view of Muslims, would tweet about it. And of course it was on the account we share. Not the one she shares with Molly.

Only slept 6 hours but feel well-rested enough.

Looks like he’s going to be forced to fix the disposal because it’s backed up a little. I’d really like to just seal that section off and use the other side because garbage disposals are always a problem.

Going to stop chewing gum even if I may miss it because that could very well be making my TMJ worse. Eating tough food is bad for it, so I’m guessing the extra chewing would be too. It’s definitely been worse lately. Also, my right hip was hurting after a half-hour on the treadmill yesterday. I really can’t get a day off, can I? Just one fucking lousy day.


Going to make this a quick one because I’m horribly fatigued despite sleeping forever.

Went back on my meds yesterday, had some anxiety, and then my HR went crazy on me for a while. Didn’t feel like I was having an anxiety attack, though. Maybe I just remained calm because Tom was home and I’m used to these things? Either way, my HR and BP soared and I got all hot and sweaty. Afterward, I felt a bit weak and tired, so shortly after a trip to Sam’s I crashed.

Maybe it happened because of running around with the rats since I noticed that when I do have these lately it’s after some type of physical exercise that I’m not used to in the way I’m used to walking and jogging. I was running around and around the living room and having to get up and down after looking under furniture because I couldn’t get Woody to go home. Damn, I hate that rat! If there’s anyone in here I regret it’s him. He is incredibly antisocial. He and Fuzzy are polar opposites. Fuzzy wants to play and he tries to get him to engage in play but Woody just wants to sit there like a lump and not have anything to do with anyone, including his brother. Bastard’s not coming out again for a while.

Tom said it was noisy with loud vehicles and landscaping, not surprisingly. He said they worked on Geri’s place all day long prepping it for spring.

The AC was one degree away from being triggered. We’ve now got it set to switch to the AC if it gets over 75 degrees when I’m sleeping. Tomorrow it will probably come on since I’ll be asleep during the warmest part of the day and it’s supposed to be 72 degrees.

Last night I dreamed of Jenny. As in my childhood friend. It was very brief and I really don’t remember much of what it was about. I also visited C at his condo only it seemed more like one large room. I looked out his window and thought he had a nice view even though it looked a little weird with rolling green hills lined with palm trees instead of buildings with the ocean beyond like he really has from the picture he shared with me.

Poor Aly. There’s tons of flooding in her area so she’s been evacuated. She and Cam are in a hotel and her parents are going to be evacuated as well. Wow. If I didn’t know any better I would think a tornado or something blew through there.

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