Thursday, August 8, 2019

I always said there’s no magic food for weight loss, especially for me, but I’m wondering if avocados might at least make it harder to gain. Just something I discovered accidentally. Been looking for high-protein foods to replace the meat I’m eventually going to phase out of my diet and since I don’t want to have eggs because they’re high in cholesterol, avocados were one of the things I chose besides nuts.

Anyway, after having avocados for breakfast for a few days, I noticed my weight was down a little. Dixie said she lost weight after eating a lot of pistachio nuts. Wanting to see if there were other claims of weight loss connected to pistachio nuts, I investigated a little online, and when researching recommended foods, avocados was one of the ones that came up. There was a study done in which a group of people who had avocados while dieting lost more weight than those who didn’t include avocados and their diet. Also, they took a group of people who had lost weight and had half of them eat avocados and half of them not eat them. Those that didn’t, regained their lost weight. I don’t think it will make me lose much weight but it might make it easier to stay around where I’m at.

Tom and I were discussing this interesting article which I forwarded to Aly about antibiotics being linked to weight gain since people didn’t really start gaining weight until they were discovered about a century ago. Even though I’ve only had antibiotics once since the 90s for an infected tooth, they’re in everything. The animals we eat were fed them. They say they’re a long way away, but that someday they might be able to give people a pill that kills the microbes and bacteria that build up in the stomach and makes it easier to gain weight. I do believe there will be a breakthrough in the obesity epidemic, but probably not in my lifetime. For now, I’m glad I’m a little bit overweight and not obese. If I was one who hated to work out, it could have been a lot worse for me.

Lately, I’ve been starting to think that things have been a little too good to be true and I’m trying not to think that way. It’s just that so many things don’t usually go so well for me, so I’m trying not to worry that it may be the calm before the next storm, whatever that may be. If anything, these should be seen as rewards for all the shit I’ve been through. But yeah, all of a sudden a lot of things seem to be falling into place and going really well.

I finally find the off switch for my anxiety.

I’m right on the verge of finally hitting menopause.

I meet what seems to be a really good in-person friend that I would feel more comfortable running to if the anxiety were to return than I would anyone else around here that I’ve known for years.

His programming looks more promising.

My TMJ has been better.

I discovered something that helps my toenails better.

I’m sleeping better.

My skin issues are virtually gone.

And now I may have found something to help control my weight.

Now all we need is something to help control this maddening landscaping frenzy! OMG, yesterday and the day before it was absolutely horrible with between 4 to 6 rounds of it each day. Sometimes the same sections were being done and I’m like, how many fucking times can you cut the same blade of grass? How many times can you blow the same damn leaves? How many times can you trim the same branches? It was horrible. I don’t know that I can stand to work in the living room during the daytime because you hear things so easily in there. I love the big screen but I’ll probably just take my laptop into the bedroom during those times. Again, you would think by now I would be used to it after 6 years but it’s still very annoying and distracting, especially when I’m trying to concentrate on something. Definitely miss living where landscaping sounds were once a week or less. Instead, it’s nearly every day all year round.

Tom saw the nurse practitioner on the way to work and will see the doctor next month. He said there wasn’t any waiting time and it was an American nurse he saw. Everything was good.

During a free moment yesterday, I went back to that video chat, and I don’t know why I was expecting anything different because the first guy wanted to cum all over my glasses which is a definite first. Gross as hell, but something I never heard before. After Mr. Original but Disgusting, the second one immediately focused on my large and exercise-lifted boobies, so I think I will definitely pass on that site, LOL.

I know the last time I wrote about that place I referred to some people as sluts, but I think “pervert” would be a more appropriate word. To me, a slut is someone who sleeps around a lot and there’s nothing wrong with that as long as they’re having fun and it’s all mutual. Never saw the “sin” in playing the field as long as no one gets led on or hurt in any way.

I’m happy for Aly who starts a job as a kindergarten aide next week and after 90 days she’ll have full benefits. Cam isn’t doing well, though. He’s been depressed and in pain.

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