Monday, August 12, 2019

I love how we can just look up almost anything on the internet these days. Like a good way to roast potatoes. It’s pretty simple. You just cut them up, throw them in a bag, add a little oil and garlic salt, shake it all up, and bake them at 450 degrees for 20 minutes. It just would have been better if I had remembered to spray the tin foil I put them on so they wouldn’t stick. They still came out good. Making them this way makes them take longer to eat and seem like more than just one potato.

Also, putting avocados in a brown paper bag definitely makes them ripen faster. Last week I got avocados on a Friday and couldn’t eat them till Tuesday. Yet now I’m already able to eat the avocados we got two days ago. Good thing I put some in the refrigerator.

The avocado tool was a waste but then it wasn’t. It splits the avocado easier than a regular knife but the pitter and slicer are crap.

What was a waste of money was the blending pen I got for my art and coloring. It softens the colors but does not blend them.

I took a walk down and visited Dixie for an hour and a half. That lady sure loves to talk. :-) Exchanged hellos with Bob and Virginia on the way back. They were sitting on their patio.

I also exchanged hellos with the black woman next to Dixie who she said got mad at her for whatever. I’m still not clear what that was about because Dixie has memory issues and can get kind of contradictory. First, the woman got mad at herself for not being able to figure out something about her TV and then at Dixie for yelling at Diane. Her “yelling” was actually her calling to her down the hall and I guess the sound carried through the open window. The houses are close and Dixie can hear the woman on the other side doing dishes early in the morning when the windows are open.

The impression I get is that the black woman (I don’t know her name), along with Santa/Grandpa, doesn’t really care for her. But Elaine, on the other side of her and whom I think I remember working out with at the clubhouse, does visit every now and then.

She talks about the condo she lived in here in town for 30 years and seems to really miss it. Her disability caused her to have to get something at ground level, so that’s why she moved here.

I’ve never actually gotten a good look at Diane because one time she was sitting behind the counter and the other in the car. Dixie says she has very big feet and legs and has a hard time walking. Scoliosis, I think is what she said she has.

While Dixie adores her, she describes her as getting smart and sassy at times much like a rebellious teen, not wanting to do things to help out, etc.

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