Thursday, August 22, 2019

I’m more tired than I was yesterday. Woke up a million times just because and who knows how many times due to traffic.

Noticed a moving truck at Ralph’s place, so the new neighbors have moved in. Hope they don’t have a dog. Usually, it’s no problem here but some of them bark nonstop when being walked or out of open windows and porches.

If what I heard and saw was at their house, they have a loud car. Doesn’t surprise me with how popular they are today, even amongst older people. Even older people are getting less considerate than they used to be. All people care about is what they want and what works best for them. Not how it may affect others.

This is the longest I haven’t heard the mama’s boy, but given how much of a mooching slacker he seemed to be I still think it’s of no choice of his and that something happened. Yes, it’s nice until he returns, but because there are so many loud vehicles these days, one disappearing for a while doesn’t make much difference when you’re right on such a busy street.

sighs If only anyone could make long-distance moves anytime they wanted to. Then if I had to listen to it, I can at least do it where it’s always summer.

I’ve now beat my longest stretch of time between periods since going into perimenopause. Full menopause is just 46 days away!

The pigs are back in the living room. Although it was an interesting experiment, the biggest problem was that they dog-ear the corners of the liner, some shit would slip under the liner, then I’d have to make sure it didn’t clog the drain. It’s also harder to reach down over the step and into the tub as opposed to in their cage. With them in the living room by the air cleaner, I can go back to changing liners every other day. I’m sure the rats missed having them close by as well. Rodents would be a lot less work if you could either scoop their poop out like with a cat or make them do their thing outdoors like a dog. They’re cute as hell and bring a lot of laughs, but after these guys, I think I’ll take a break for a while.

Been researching different phones and was told it’s easy to block people on iPhones but they can still leave voice messages. Then that’s not blocked. I don’t understand why it’s not as easy to block someone on a phone as it is Facebook or Twitter or most other sites. Then Aly told me she has no problem blocking numbers on her Android through her Verizon prepaid app but that’s not what we have. At least I don’t get unwanted calls every day.

I swear her household really needs a break in the medical department! She’s had her share of shit, Cam’s had his share of shit, and now her dog is at the vet with stomach issues.

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