Thursday, August 1, 2019

Not much to update on other than that I had a warm but pleasant evening walk for a half-hour (no skunks), and I might have made a mistake by befriending Dixie. Now, I have no problem with helping people when I have the time and if it’s in a way I can help them. Everybody needs help at times. I get that.

But did I really need to wake up to three voice messages and one email from her? I hate people that get too demanding and clingy. First she had computer problems and then she said she talked to someone who said it sounded like a virus. Then she wanted me to walk down there because there was a watermelon in her car that was too heavy for her to bring into her house. Well, how did she get it in the car in the first place?

I do appreciate that she invited me to come along to Sam’s with her but as I told her in my reply, we go every Saturday and that’s enough for us. She knows I’m not always on days so she’ll just have to wait till I’m available for whatever. Besides, up or not, I’m not always right by my phone or laptop.

One of the calls she made to me was from a cell since she wants to learn to do texting. I texted that number as well as sent email, so I didn’t blow her off or anything like that. In fact, I took a walk down at around 8:30 and didn’t see her sitting on her patio. Only the back corner of the place, which I’m guessing is Diane’s bedroom, was lit. While she probably would have gladly come to the door had I rang her bell, I didn’t want to disturb her if she was helping Diane with her shower or wake her up if she had already fallen asleep.

Since she’s skinny, I did leave a bag containing half a dozen or so items of clothing I’m too big for such as a few tops, a dress, a cover-up, and a few pairs of pants. I left those in a bag on her patio.

I was going to either email or visit her in a week or so and didn’t really expect to hear from her so soon but I’m guessing she’s just lonely and that Diane, as much as she may love her, really takes a bite out of her.

I don’t think she’ll turn on me or spite me in any way if she gets to the point where I have to put my foot down and tell her to give me some breathing space and I honestly can’t think of a way she could if she wanted to, so I’d say she’s definitely harmless. The woman can barely walk and thank God for that much or else she’d be pounding on my door. I’m also grateful that she’s four doors down and not one and doesn’t do social media, LOL. I did give her links to my books and blog and hopefully, I won’t regret that. Don’t really see how I could. In some ways, she kind of reminds me of Ellie but since I haven’t heard any crazy shit about the FBI spying on her by putting petroleum jelly in her vents, I’m not worried. She’s with it. Just pesky.

I think I have thrush developing again in my mouth since it’s been a while since I’ve had yogurt. Gargling with salt water and will definitely get some yogurt from Sam’s. Instead of Saturday, though, he’s going on Friday after work because they’re having a big sale on Saturday which will be too crowded at our usual time.

Since I’ll be up early in the morning this weekend, I’ll want to go to the park again.

I had “tropical” dreams but they made no sense and I don’t know where they were or if we were living there or vacationing there. A guy was swimming naked in a glass pool that was submerged in the ocean in one of them. Not just any guy either. You could tell he was a model or something like that. We must’ve been in a plane or helicopter because we flew over it, and looking straight down into the pool, I could see the sandbar underneath the glass bottom. Probably just spam dreams or another dimension. ;)

Aly passed my grammar “test” with flying colors. She’s dealing with health issues again but this time it’s on Cam, not her. He has spinal stenosis and collapsed at work with tingling and numbness in his lower back and hips. Then he was admitted to the hospital and had to have laser surgery to repair damaged nerves. If he doesn’t take it easy he may never walk again. Damn, and he’s barely pushing 40.

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