Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Starting this entry in the waiting room of my dermatologist’s office and therefore, I’m typing one finger at a time. I hate it too, but I’d be bored just sitting here so I’m doing it to pass the time. I’m amazed anyone would prefer this over the convenience of voice typing! It’s just so much easier to keep up with my thoughts that way, especially when I have lots to say. Hell, I can write by hand faster than this. but…to each their own. :-)

Lol, I just skyped Tom who’s sitting next to me and saw it pop up on his phone.

Okay, I’ve had enough of this one-finger typing. I’ll finish the entry with my voice later.


My appointment went well. Didn’t have to wait long and wasn’t there long, since she just took a quick look and yes, everything looks much better.

She gave me a copy of the pathology report I never received in the mail confirming that I don’t have a thickening membrane which is consistent with LS and all that. Had the fucking doctors diagnosed me correctly half a decade ago, it would have been discovered that it was some kind of contact irritation and I wouldn’t have over-treated it with the wrong stuff, making it worse. Even the Aquaphor barrier the GYN recommended isn’t good because it contains lanolin, something that some people are allergic to. I don’t think I am, but I don’t know for sure since I was using it when I was having problems. I don’t want to take a chance and ever use it again. She recommended Desitin if I want to use a barrier.

I’m going to keep on doing what I’ve been doing and hope I stay better. She said, however, that if I have any problems in the future or get any kind of rashes, they can put a patch on me that looks for the top 36 irritants, but I think I’ll be fine. I hope so anyway! I’m still too young to have all the damn appointments I’ve been having, even though they have been slowing down and should be even slower with just 6 appointments a year for the basic things, PCP, dentist, ENT, eye exams.

It’s my buddy and her significant other I’m worried about. Never have I known anyone that young to not only have so many appointments but also have to go to the ER and Urgent Care. Last time I had to deal with ERs was in my mid-20s when I had kick-ass asthma attacks. Quitting smoking was definitely one of the best things I ever did. It’s sad to see anyone suffer, but so young? Really hope they get a break soon!

Using the Healthy Hoof nail and cuticle cream that contains the same formula they use on horse hooves to help keep those areas soft and healthy. Maybe I should use them on my toes as well even though I don’t usually have that many cuticles.

We stopped at McDonald’s on the way back where he got a burger and I got chicken nuggets and fries. I ate like I hadn’t eaten in years. It was a nice treat since I rarely let myself have fried or processed stuff anymore.

I got both the paint-by-numbers I ordered and started a little of the rainy park scene, but I think I’m going to do the ballerina first. I already got a good chunk of the sky started.

They even have color-by-numbers. I definitely prefer working with pencils and markers as opposed to paint brushes, and sometimes I like to use my own imagination while other times I like to go by a specific guide or example.

I was psyched to discover that Word has its own built-in text reader that highlights the words as it reads them. I’ve been wanting something like this for a while and I’m sorry it took me so long to discover this wonderfully handy feature. I like how it starts reading wherever I set the cursor instead of automatically reading from the beginning or having to highlight what I want it to read. The pages move down too, as it reads through them. So, I can always see what it’s reading which is helpful for anything but especially stuff you plan to publish. I’m still fine-tuning Heart of the Forest and it should be out there within a week for no one to buy. I’m going to have to email them and ask if I’m doing anything wrong, even though everything looks right to me.

I got to thinking about it and while I was excited at the prospect of getting out of here in a year or two and living in the country somewhere in New Mexico or Nevada till he turns 70 and then finishing our lives in Florida, I really don’t think that would be wise. First of all, I can’t see us able to get out of here before he’s at least 66. He can’t retire till he’s 66.5 which means he’s got almost 4.5 more years to go. So, unless there’s money in our near future that neither of us can see, I really don’t see us getting out of here before 2024. Even if he’s right about making a few hundred dollars a month with apps, that’s going to take time to build up. That’s not something you can just do in a few weeks or even a few months. So, the smartest thing to do would be to just stay put and go to another park in Florida at that time. Then if he wants to work part or full-time until he’s 70…fine.

I may complain about all the noise, but this is what I’m used to and mostly all I’ve ever known as an adult. With the exception of barking, I wasn’t used to so much activity after living in Maricopa and then Auburn. But now this is what I’m used to. Landscaping, projects, traffic, planes, etc.

The only thing I want to do differently in the next place is get the bedroom further from the street. I’d also like to be on a street that doesn’t get nearly as much traffic. In the daytime, you’re lucky to go 5 minutes without something going by here and you’re lucky to go more than an hour or 90 minutes max in the middle of the night. It would be nice to get on some street that rarely gets traffic after dark.

The bulk trash collectors are late again. Was hoping they would come while we were out but why would they? Instead, they’ll come tomorrow and wake me up or annoy me if I’m already up.

Okay… In Deadly Women’s Cling Til Death, which is episode 4 of season 10, Candice DeLong specifically says that envy is defined as “I like what you have. I want it, too.” Jealousy is defined as, “I like what you have. I hate you for having it!”

That’s what I was taught these words meant, but I guess they differ in different regions. Not to change anyone’s way of using them, but this way people will know what I mean if I use them.

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