Saturday, August 31, 2019

What will it be today, folks? Hammering? Sawing? Landscaping? More traffic? You might as well be in an apartment in this case. An apartment in a high-rise overlooking the ocean in Florida would probably be quieter than this place. The thing is, though, that I’ve noticed those places usually aren’t apartments but condos that cost at least a quarter-million dollars.

Hopefully, the van that was working in back won’t return after Labor Day to resume its pounding and sawing of whatever they were working on. It will be interesting to see if the planes are back to a full-time annoyance at that time, too. Yesterday sucked. I cooked to Bob’s blower. I peed to Lawrence’s sawing, and for THREE hours I worked to the tune of the trash and recycle trucks worming their way around here.

We owe around $700 to my dermatologist and he’s still paying off his MRI. Living in Cali, it’s a damn shame we’re not illegals because then everything would be paid for. But as I was telling a friend, you know how most of the country is, illegals and immigrants first, citizens second.

My body has slowly been resetting its weight, as it always does, through constipation. I don’t know what its desperateness to hang on to its weight is all about but there’s no way I could go over 155 eating the way I have been. It should help my BP and cholesterol scores, too.

My TMJ has been driving me nuts again but I don’t think it’s all about TMJ. I think it’s also damaged nerves since they couldn’t just leave me the hell alone and the way I was meant to be, and it seems the tube connecting the ear and throat may not drain properly.

Although I don’t know why, I’ve been having nightmares even though nothing bad is going on. Annoying at times but not bad. I’ve woken up several times the last two nights, even though I usually sleep better at night, although I don’t feel tired. My schedule has jumped fast this last week as it usually does when I’m on days. It’s almost like something’s in a hurry to get me back on nights so it can have fun using traffic to add to the wake-up calls.

Anyway, I forgot to write about the nightmare I had two nights ago. I don’t know why, but they were going to execute me in one week. All I could think about was getting ahold of menus because I wanted to spend my final week eating and sleeping, like I would be able to do either one of those if I knew they were going to kill me! But I was determined to get some good egg foo yung from the local Chinese place, LOL.

Last night it was about a serial killer in the area. They would call their victims first using this thing to electronically alter their voice. One night, it was my turn to get such a call. I was living in a house with at least three other people, but don’t know who they were.

I decided to play dumb in order to lure the killer out so they could be captured. It was then that I realized, when I thought of certain things that had happened over the last few days, that they had somehow hacked my computer and knew my every digital move.

I crept through the darkened house and used the bathroom. As I was exiting the bathroom, I heard the whirring sound of the electronic lock on the front door sliding open, even though I hadn’t heard the beeping of the code being punched in first.

The dream ended with me fumbling blindly in the dark and in a panic, screaming to warn the others in the house.

You know, although I can’t prove it, sometimes I get the feeling that someone with an awful lot of intelligence and cunning has hacked my computer and knows my every account and action within it. Someone like Aly. Not sure how she would bypass accounts with unrecognized browser notifications wired into their system, but it’s just a feeling I’ve had. If this is true and not me just being paranoid, then she’ll just have to sit and quietly deal with finding some things she may wish they didn’t find being as sensitive as she is. I would think all the protection I’ve got on this Mac would weed her out, but still. How does she not only find so many of my accounts, despite search services listing them, how has she known so many things she shouldn’t have known, smart or not? She knew when I was trolling Molly with Kathy on the old MyOpera. She knew every question I’ve asked her on Ask. Ask doesn’t warn users of unrecognized browsers and neither did MO. Makes me wonder if she’s read my private blogs, but let her. Let her get all upset by them if she’s going to hack into them and maybe even my PC as well.

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